This thesis aims to investigate and discuss the conceptual and operational contexts of innovative approaches in the design of multi residential housing in Turkey over three selected cases. Flexibility, as an inclusive concept that encompasses adaptability and typological variety, is used to structure the framework of the discussion. The inquiry is based on the idea that flexibility and the associated concepts can be used to develop, in N. John Habraken&rsquo / s words, &ldquo / a new and challenging kind of architecture&rdquo / in the context of multi residential housing.

The housing blocks designed by Ahmet G&uuml / lg&ouml / nen in Eryaman 3rd Stage, and those designed by Tuncay &Ccedil / avdar in the same stage, and Levent Loft 1 project designed by Tabanlioglu Architects are selected as cases. These projects advocate flexibility and also exemplify an innovative approach to design. The thesis introduces a conceptual framework that allows dealing with flexibility in the housing context, and then evaluates the selected cases by means of this conceptual framework.
Date01 July 2009
CreatorsAlbostan, Duygu
ContributorsAkozer, Emel
Source SetsMiddle East Technical Univ.
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeM.Arch. Thesis
RightsTo liberate the content for public access

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