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Korelacija radioloških i strukturnih karakteristika građevinskih materijala / Correlation of radiological and structural characteristics of building materijals

<p>U ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji predstavljena je radiolo&scaron;ka i strukturna karakterizacija građevinskih materijala koji se mogu naći u upotrebi u Srbiji. Izvr&scaron;ena je radiolo&scaron;ka karakterizaicija ukupno 348 uzoraka: granita,&nbsp; fosfogipsa,&nbsp; sirovina&nbsp; u&nbsp; keramičkoj&nbsp; industriji,&nbsp; keramičkih pločica,&nbsp; betona,&nbsp; opeke,&nbsp; maltera,&nbsp; siporeksa,&nbsp; crepa&nbsp; i&nbsp; drugih<br />građevinskih materijala op&scaron;te upotrebe.&nbsp; Radiolo&scaron;ka karakterizacija je&nbsp; sprovedena&nbsp; merenjem&nbsp; koncentracija&nbsp; aktivnosti 226 Ra,232 Th&nbsp; i 40 K metodom&nbsp; gama&nbsp; spektrometrije,&nbsp; kao&nbsp; i&nbsp; ekshalacije&nbsp; radona&nbsp; iz selektovanih&nbsp; građevinskih&nbsp; materijala&nbsp; kori&scaron;ćenjem&nbsp; aktivnih&nbsp; uređaja RAD7,&nbsp; RTM&nbsp; 1688-2,&nbsp; AlphaGUard&nbsp; i&nbsp; AlphaE.&nbsp; Kori&scaron;ćenjem&nbsp; Monte Karlo&nbsp; simulacija&nbsp; izvr&scaron;ena&nbsp; je&nbsp; procena&nbsp; jačina&nbsp; apsorbovanih&nbsp; doza<br />gama&nbsp; zračenja,&nbsp; uočena&nbsp; su&nbsp; odstupanja&nbsp; od&nbsp; teorijski&nbsp; procenjenih vrednosti&nbsp; i&nbsp; dati&nbsp; predlozi&nbsp; za&nbsp; korekciju.&nbsp; Izvr&scaron;ena&nbsp; je&nbsp; procena radijacionog&nbsp; rizika&nbsp; od&nbsp; kori&scaron;ćenja&nbsp; analiziranih&nbsp; građevinskih materijala&nbsp; u&nbsp; enterijeru,&nbsp; kao&nbsp; i&nbsp; za&nbsp; profesionalna&nbsp; lica&nbsp; pri&nbsp; radu&nbsp; sa sirovinskim&nbsp; materijalima.&nbsp; Ispitivane&nbsp; su&nbsp; mogućnosti&nbsp; upotrebe fosfogipsa&nbsp; kao&nbsp; NORM&nbsp; materijala&nbsp; u&nbsp; proizvodnji gips-karton&nbsp; ploča&nbsp; i opeke&nbsp; uz procenu radijacionog rizika od upotrebe.&nbsp; Napravljeno je 8 uzoraka&nbsp; opeke&nbsp; sa&nbsp; različitim&nbsp; udelog&nbsp; fosfogipsa&nbsp; i&nbsp; izvr&scaron;ena&nbsp; je<br />radiolo&scaron;ka&nbsp; i&nbsp; strukturna&nbsp; karakterizacija&nbsp; dobijenih&nbsp; materijala. Ispitivane&nbsp; su&nbsp; varijacije&nbsp; koeficijenata&nbsp; emanacije&nbsp; radona&nbsp; iz građevinskih materijala tokom vremena, kao i uticaj efekata curenja i povratne difuzije koji dovode do tih varijacija. Ispitivan je takođe i uticaj strukture materijala u smislu mineralo&scaron;kog i hemijskog satava i&nbsp; poroznosti&nbsp; na&nbsp; vrednosti&nbsp; koeficijenta&nbsp; emanacije&nbsp; radona. Meneralo&scaron;ka&nbsp; karakterizacija&nbsp; uzoraka&nbsp; izvr&scaron;ena&nbsp; je&nbsp; metodom rendgenske&nbsp; strukturne&nbsp; analize&nbsp; (XRD),&nbsp; a&nbsp; hemijska&nbsp; metodom rendgenske&nbsp; fluorescentne&nbsp; analize&nbsp; (XRF).&nbsp; Merenje&nbsp; ukupne&nbsp; efektivne poroznosti izvr&scaron;eno je metodama apsorpcije vode i metodom živine porozimetrije.&nbsp; Na&nbsp; osnovu&nbsp; dobijenih&nbsp; rezultata&nbsp; uspostavljene&nbsp; su značajne&nbsp; korelacije&nbsp; između&nbsp; pojedinih&nbsp; radiolo&scaron;kih&nbsp; i&nbsp; strukturnih parametara za analizirane uzorke građevinskih materijala.</p> / <p>In&nbsp; this&nbsp; doctoral&nbsp; dissertation,&nbsp; the&nbsp; results&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; radiological&nbsp; and structural characterization of building materials used in Serbia were presented.&nbsp; Radiological&nbsp; characterization&nbsp; of&nbsp; a&nbsp; total&nbsp; of&nbsp; 348&nbsp; samples was performed, including granite, phosphogypsum, raw&nbsp; materials&nbsp; in the ceramic industry, ceramic tiles, concrete, brick, mortar, siporex, tiles,&nbsp; and&nbsp; other&nbsp; materials&nbsp; frequently&nbsp; used&nbsp; as&nbsp; building&nbsp; materials.Radiological characterization was performed by measuring activity concentrations&nbsp; of 226 Ra,232 Th,&nbsp; and 40 K&nbsp; by&nbsp; gamma&nbsp; spectrometry method, as well&nbsp; as radon exhalation from selected building materials using active devices RAD7, RTM 1688-2, AlphaGuard and AlphaE.Using&nbsp; Monte&nbsp; Carlo&nbsp; simulations,&nbsp; the&nbsp; absorbed&nbsp; gamma&nbsp; dose&nbsp; rates were&nbsp; estimated.&nbsp; Furthermore,&nbsp; the&nbsp; deviations&nbsp; from&nbsp; the&nbsp; theoretically estimated&nbsp; absorbed&nbsp; dose&nbsp; rates&nbsp; were&nbsp; observed,&nbsp; and&nbsp; suggestions&nbsp; for correction were given. An assessment of the radiation risk from the use&nbsp; of&nbsp; analyzed&nbsp; building&nbsp; materials&nbsp; in&nbsp; the&nbsp; interior,&nbsp; as&nbsp; well&nbsp; as&nbsp; for occupational&nbsp; workers&nbsp; working&nbsp; with&nbsp; raw&nbsp; materials&nbsp; was&nbsp; conducted.The possibilities of using phosphogypsum as a NORM material in the production&nbsp; of&nbsp; gypsum&nbsp; plasterboard&nbsp; and&nbsp; bricks&nbsp; were&nbsp; investigated, with&nbsp; an&nbsp; assessment&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; radiation&nbsp; risk&nbsp; due&nbsp; to&nbsp; use&nbsp; of&nbsp; phosphogypsum as a component in the building materials. 8 samples of&nbsp; bricks&nbsp; with&nbsp; different&nbsp; proportions&nbsp; of&nbsp; phosphogypsum&nbsp; were&nbsp; made and&nbsp; radiological&nbsp; and&nbsp; structural&nbsp; characterization&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; obtained materials was performed. Variations of radon emanation coefficients from building materials over time, as well as the influence of leakage and&nbsp; back&nbsp; diffusion&nbsp; effects&nbsp; leading&nbsp; to&nbsp; these&nbsp; variations,&nbsp; were investigated. The influence of the structure of the material in terms of mineral and chemical composition and porosity on the values of the radon&nbsp; emanation&nbsp; coefficient&nbsp; was&nbsp; also&nbsp; investigated.&nbsp; The mineralogical characterization of the samples was performed by the method&nbsp; of&nbsp; X-ray&nbsp; structural&nbsp; analysis&nbsp; (XRD),&nbsp; and&nbsp; the&nbsp; chemical characterization&nbsp; by&nbsp; the&nbsp; method&nbsp; of&nbsp; X-ray&nbsp; fluorescence&nbsp; analysis (XRF). The measurement of total effective porosity was performed by water absorption methods and mercury porosimetry method. Based on&nbsp; the&nbsp; obtained&nbsp; results,&nbsp; significant&nbsp; correlations&nbsp; were&nbsp; establishedbetween&nbsp; individual&nbsp; radiological&nbsp; and&nbsp; structural&nbsp; parameters&nbsp; for&nbsp; the analyzed samples of construction materials.</p>
Date18 September 2020
CreatorsKuzmanović Predrag
ContributorsTodorović Nataša, Miljević Bojan, Forkapić Sofija, Čeliković Igor, Nikolov Jovana, Radolić Vanja
PublisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu, Prirodno-matematički fakultet u Novom Sadu, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Sciences at Novi Sad
Source SetsUniversity of Novi Sad
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypePhD thesis

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