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Développement d'un dispositif expérimental dédié à la mesure des sections efficaces de capture et de fission de l'233u dans le domaine des résonances résolues

233U is the fissile nucleus produced in 232T h/233U fuel cycle which has been proposed as asafer and cleaner alternative to the 238U/239P u cycle. The accurate knowledge of the neutroncapture cross-section of this isotope is needed with high-precision for design and developmentof this fuel cycle. The only two reliable experimental data for the capture cross-section of233U show discrepancies up to 10%. These differences may be due to systematic uncertaintiesassociated with the detector efficiency, dead-time effects, background subtraction and signalpile-up caused by the α-activity of the sample. A special experimental set-up for simultaneousmeasurement of fission and capture cross sections of radioactive fissile nuclei was designed,assembled and optimized at CENBG in the frame of this work. The measurement will be per-formed at the Gelina neutron time-of-flight facility at IRMM, where neutron cross sectionscan be measured over a wide energy range with high energy resolution. The fission detectorconsists of a multi-plate high-efficiency ionization chamber (IC). The γ-rays produced in cap-ture reactions are detected by an array of six C6 D6 scintillators surrounding the IC. In thesemeasurements the radiative capture γ-rays are hidden in large background of fission γ-rays thatrepresents a challenging issue. The latter has then to be subtracted by detecting fission eventswith a very well known efficiency (VETO method). An accurate determination of this efficiencyis rather difficult. In this work we have thoroughly investigated the prompt-fission-neutronsmethod for the IC efficiency measurement, providing new insights on this method. Thanks tothis study the IC efficiency was determined with a very low uncertainty. Using a 252Cf source,several parameters (gas pressure, high voltage and the distance between the electrodes) havebeen studied to determine the behaviour of the IC in order to find the ideal operation point:a good energy separation between α-particles and fission fragments (FF) and a good timingresolution. A good α-FF separation has been obtained with a highly radioactive 233U target.Also, the pulse-shape discrimination between γ-rays and neutrons in the C6D6 detectors wasobserved at Gelina under realistic experimental conditions. To conclude, the experimentalset-up and the VETO method have been carefully checked and validated, opening the way tofuture measurements of the capture and fission cross sections of 233U.
Date09 December 2013
CreatorsCompanis, Iulia
PublisherUniversité Sciences et Technologies - Bordeaux I
Source SetsCCSD theses-EN-ligne, France
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypePhD thesis

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