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Genetička karakterizacija kompleksa Merodon avidus (Diptea: Syrphidae) / Genetic characterisation of Merodon avidus species complex (Diptera: Syrphidae)

<p>U&nbsp; radu&nbsp; je&nbsp; izvr&scaron;en&nbsp; integrativno-taksonomski&nbsp; pristup analize&nbsp; kompleksa&nbsp; vrsta&nbsp; <em>Merodon</em>&nbsp; <em>avidus&nbsp; </em>(Diptera: Syrphidae),&nbsp; na&nbsp; geografski&nbsp; i&nbsp; vemenski&nbsp; obimnom materijalu.&nbsp; U&nbsp; okviru&nbsp; genetičke&nbsp; karakterizacije&nbsp; kriptičnih vrsta&nbsp; navedenog&nbsp; kompleksa,&nbsp; bazirane&nbsp; na&nbsp; 3&#39;&nbsp; i&nbsp; 5&#39;<br />fragmentima&nbsp; mitohondrijalnog&nbsp; COI&nbsp; gena,&nbsp; određeni&nbsp; su parametri&nbsp; genetičke&nbsp; varijabilnosti&nbsp; i&nbsp; utvrđeni&nbsp; jedinstveni&nbsp; i deljeni&nbsp; haplotipovi&nbsp; u&nbsp; okviru&nbsp; i&nbsp; između&nbsp; pretpostavljenih vrsta.&nbsp; Rezultati&nbsp; genetičke&nbsp; varijabilnosti&nbsp; COI&nbsp; DNK&nbsp; sekvenci pokazali&nbsp; su&nbsp; da&nbsp; jedinke&nbsp; sa&nbsp; ostrva&nbsp; Krf&nbsp; i&nbsp; Evia&nbsp; i&nbsp; poluostrva Peloponez,&nbsp; preliminarno&nbsp; identifikovane&nbsp; kao M. moenium, predstavljaju&nbsp; novu,&nbsp; endemsku&nbsp; vrstu&nbsp; proučavanog<br />kompleksa.&nbsp; Dijagnostički&nbsp; enzimski&nbsp; lokusi&nbsp; pokazali&nbsp; su&nbsp; da M.&nbsp; avidus&nbsp; i&nbsp; M.&nbsp; moenium&nbsp; predstavljaju&nbsp; sestrinske&nbsp; vrste, koje&nbsp; su&nbsp; se,&nbsp; u&nbsp; okviru&nbsp; kompleksa&nbsp; vrsta&nbsp;<em> M.&nbsp; avidus,&nbsp; </em>poslednje razdvojile.&nbsp; Zaključeno&nbsp; je&nbsp; da&nbsp; se&nbsp; kompleks&nbsp; vrsta&nbsp; M.&nbsp; avidus sastoji od 5 vrsta: <em>M. avidus, M. moenium, M. megavidus, M.&nbsp; ibericus&nbsp; i&nbsp; M.&nbsp; aff.&nbsp; moenium</em>.&nbsp; U&nbsp; nastavku,&nbsp; oslanjajući&nbsp; se na&nbsp; moderne&nbsp; tehnike&nbsp; ve&scaron;tačke&nbsp; inteligencije,&nbsp; izvr&scaron;eno&nbsp; je modelovanje&nbsp; distribucije&nbsp; vrsta&nbsp; i&nbsp; poređenje&nbsp; sličnosti utvrđenih&nbsp; ekolo&scaron;kih&nbsp; ni&scaron;a.&nbsp; U&nbsp; poslednjem&nbsp; segmentu istraživanja,&nbsp; prednosti&nbsp; ve&scaron;tačke&nbsp; inteligencije&nbsp; iskori&scaron;ćene su&nbsp; u&nbsp; modelovanju&nbsp; sistema&nbsp; za&nbsp; determinaciju&nbsp; jedinki sestrinskih vrsta u uzorku, na osnovu adekvatne varijable.Ovo&nbsp; istraživanje&nbsp; doprinelo&nbsp; je&nbsp; karakterizaciji&nbsp; biodiverziteta osolikih&nbsp; muva,&nbsp; rasvetljavanju&nbsp; taksonomskog&nbsp; statusa&nbsp; vrsta i&nbsp; kreiranju&nbsp; smernica&nbsp; za&nbsp; definisanje&nbsp; budućih konzervacionih&nbsp; programa&nbsp; za&scaron;tite&nbsp; biodiverziteta&nbsp; vrsta <em>Merodon avidus </em>kompleksa.</p> / <p>During this research, an integrative-taxonomic&nbsp; analysis of M. avidus species complex was performed. The study was based on geographically and temporally extensive material. Genetic characterisation of cryptic species, based on 5&rsquo; and 3&rsquo; regions of COI gene, defined parameters of genetic variability. Shared and unique haplotypes between and within of cryptic species were detected. The results of genetic variability analysis based on COI gene showed that specimens from the islands Corfu, Evia and half-island Peloponnese, which were preliminarily identified as M. moenium, represent a new, endemic species of the selected complex. Diagnostic enzyme loci showed that M. avidus and M. moenium represent sibling species, which were the last one who separated within M. avidus complex. According to current information, it was concluded that M. avidus complex consists of 5 species: M. avidus, M. moenium, M. megavidus, M. ibericus and M. aff. moenium. In the next&nbsp; chapter, relying on modern techniques of artificial&nbsp; intelligence, the species distribution modelling and the comparison of ecological niches were performed. In the last part of the research, the advantages of artificial intelligence were used in order to model a system that was able to determinate one of two sibling species, based on appropriate predictor. This research has generally contributed to a characterization of hoverfly diversity and helped resolving a taxonomic status of species in one of the most challenging groups in Syrphidae family. Genetic differentiation data represent directions for defining future conservation strategies for biodiversity protection of defined cryptic species of Merodon avidus complex</p>
Date15 October 2019
CreatorsPopović Dunja
ContributorsVeličković Nevena, Vujić Ante, Kočiš-Tubić Nataša, Ačanski Jelena
PublisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu, Prirodno-matematički fakultet u Novom Sadu, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Sciences at Novi Sad
Source SetsUniversity of Novi Sad
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypePhD thesis

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