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Investigating The Use Of Technology On Pre-service Elementary Mathematics Teachers

The purpose of this study was to investigate plane geometry problem solving strategies of pre-service elementary mathematics teachers in technology and paper-and-pencil environments after receiving an instruction with GeoGebra. Qualitative research strategies were used to investigate teacher candidates&lsquo / solution strategies. The data was collected and analyzed by means of a multiple case study design. The study was carried out with 7 pre-service elementary mathematics teachers. The main data sources were classroom observations and interviews. After receiving a three-week instructional period, the participants experienced data collection sessions during a week. The data was analyzed by using records of the interviews, answers to the instrument, and transcribing and examining observation records. Results revealed that the participants developed three solution strategies: algebraic, geometric and harmonic. They used mostly algebraic solutions in paper-and-pencil environment and
geometric ones in technology environment. It means that different environments contribute separately pre-service teachers&lsquo / mathematical problem solving abilities. Different from traditional environments, technology contributed students&lsquo / mathematical understanding by means of dynamic features. In addition, pre-service teachers saved time, developed alternative strategies, constructed the figures precisely, visualized them easily, and measured accurately and quickly. The participants faced some technical difficulties in using the software at the beginning of the study but they overcome most of them at the end of instructional period. The results of this study has useful implications for mathematics teachers to use technology during their problem solving activities as educational community encourages to use technology in teaching and learning of mathematics.
Date01 February 2013
CreatorsKoyuncu, Ilhan
ContributorsAkyuz, Didem
Source SetsMiddle East Technical Univ.
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeM.S. Thesis
RightsAccess forbidden for 1 year

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