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Tectonic geomorphology of quaternary river terraces at Santa Cruz Creek, Santa Maria Basin, Santa Barbara County, California

<p> Geomorphologic methods document poorly exposed tectonically active structures in the first study to determine quantified ages for Quaternary Age fluvial terraces at Santa Cruz Creek. GPS surveys of three flights of terrace surfaces and a stream gradient profile reveal deformation at the Baseline/Los Alamos fault zone and Little Pine fault. Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) dating was employed to determine ages for the terraces. The formation age of Terrace 1 is 19.3 ka with an incision rate of 1.63 to 1.82 mm/yr, Terrace 2 was dated at 32.9 ka with incision rate of2.02 to 1.82 mm/yr. Based on incision rates an estimated age of 44.0-47.0 ka was calculated for Terrace 3. Offsets in T-2 and T-3 were used to calculate a short term faulting rates of .91 mm/yr and a long term faulting rate of 0.67 to 0. 73 mm/yr for the Baseline/Los Alamos fault.</p>
Date10 June 2014
CreatorsTyler, Edward P.
PublisherCalifornia State University, Long Beach
Detected LanguageEnglish

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