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Generalised algebraic models

Algebraic theories and algebraic categories offer an innovative and revelatory description of the syntax and the semantics. An
algebraic theory is a concrete mathematical object -- the concept -- namely a set of variables together with formal symbols and equalities between these terms; stated otherwise, an algebraic theory is a small category with finite products.
An algebra or model of the theory is a set-theoretical interpretation -- a possible meaning -- or, more categorically, a finite product-preserving functor from the theory into the category of sets. We call the category of models of an algebraic theory an algebraic category.
By generalising the theory we do generalise the models. This concept is the fascinating aspect of the subject and the reference point of our project.
We are interested in the study of categories of models.
We pursue our task by considering models of different theories and by investigating the corresponding categories of models they constitute.
We analyse localizations (namely, fully faithful right adjoint
functors whose left adjoint preserves finite limits) of algebraic
categories and localizations of presheaf categories. These are still categories of models of the corresponding theory.
We provide a classification of localizations and a classification of
geometric morphisms (namely, functors together with a finite limit-preserving left adjoint), in both the presheaf and the algebraic context.
Date10 December 2004
CreatorsCentazzo, Claudia
PublisherUniversite catholique de Louvain
Source SetsBibliothèque interuniversitaire de la Communauté française de Belgique
Detected LanguageEnglish
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