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Efekti programa razvojne gimnastike uz dodatno vežbanje sa roditeljima na mišićne disbalanse, morfološke karakteristike i koordinaciju dece predškolskog uzrasta / The effects of the development gymnastics program with additional exercises assisted by parents on the muscular disbalances, morphological characteri-stics, and coordination of preschool children

<p>Adaptirana i indikovana fizička aktivnost u aktuelnom i stihijskom životu, kakav dana&scaron;nji čovek vodi, posmatra se kao neraskidivi deo svakodnevnog funkcionisanja.&nbsp; Pažljivo odabrana, i na adekvatan način&nbsp;&nbsp; primenjena, fizička aktivnost daje svoje pozitivne doprinose antropolo&scaron;kom prostoru čoveka. U dečijem uzrastu, fizička aktivnost je značajan faktor koji utiče na mnoge aspekte pravilnog&nbsp; rasta i razvoja. Motorički prostor, i prostor koji se odnosi na posturalno stanje u smislu mi&scaron;ićnih asimetrija, su samo neki od segmenata dečijeg razvoja. Uključenost roditelja u vaspitno obrazovni&nbsp; proces detetovog odrastanja&nbsp; je ne&scaron;to &scaron;to se slobodno može definisati kao &ldquo; imperativ dana&scaron;njice&ldquo;. Da li uključenost roditelja u adaptirani trenažni proces može da utiče na pravilan razvoj deteta?&nbsp; Problem istraživanja se odnosi na analizu efekata programa razvojne gimnastike uz dodatno vežbanje sa roditeljima na mi&scaron;ićne asimetrije, morfolo&scaron;ke karakteristike i koordinaciju kod dece pred&scaron;kolskog uzrasta. Generalni cilj istraživanja predstavlja utvrđivanje efikasnosti programa razvojne gimnastike uz dodatno vežbanje sa roditeljima na mi&scaron;ićne disbalanse, morfolo&scaron;ke karakteristike i koordinaciju dece pred&scaron;kolskog uzrasta. Uzorak ispitanika je bio formiran iz populacije dece pred&scaron;kolskog uzrasta. Veličina uzorka je bila 176 dece uzrasta između 5 i 7 godina. Uzorak je bio&nbsp; podeljen na tri subuzorka: eksperimentalnu&nbsp; grupu, eksperimentalnu grupu sa dodatnim vežbanjem sa roditeljima i kontrolnu grupu iz Subotice. Motorička koordinacija je bila procenjena KTK baterijom testova (K&ouml;rperkoordinationtest f&uuml;r Kinder&ldquo;), koji je standardizovan motorički test sa veoma visokim stepenom pouzdanosti. Za varijable mi&scaron;ićnih asimetrija se koristila 3D kinematička&nbsp; analiza&nbsp; u statičkom režimu marke Contemplas (Professional motion analysis software), dok su morfolo&scaron;ke varijable činile telesna visina, telesna masa i indeks telesne mase. Nakon primene eksperimentalnog tretmana&nbsp; uočene su statistički značajne razlike u varijablama motoričke koordinacije u smislu pozitivnih efekata u 3 od 6 varijabli. Iz ugla mi&scaron;ićnih asimetrija može se konstatovati da je eksperimentalni tretman (iako nije bio statistički značajan) izazvao izvesne korekcije u vidu smanjenja odstupanja u varijablama kičmenog stuba u sagitalnoj ravni, dok nije bilo statistički značajnog efekta tretmana posmatrajući ceo sistem varijabli u odstupanjima kičmenog stuba u frontalnoj ravni. Eksperimentalni tretman je takođe doprineo i pozitivnim efektima u morfolo&scaron;kom prostoru.</p> / <p>Adapted and indicated physical activity of the contemporary man with a chaotic lifestyle, is considered an essential part of everyday life. Carefully selected and adequately applied physical activity gives a positive contribution to man&rsquo;s anthropological space. During childhood, physical activity is a significant factor which affects many aspects of growth and development. Motoric space, and space that refers to postural conditions, that is, muscular asymmetry, are just some segments of children&rsquo;s development. Involving parents in the educational process of a child&rsquo;s upbringing could be defined as &ldquo;a modern day imperative&rdquo;. Can parents&rsquo; involvement in the training process affect a child&rsquo;s development? The research focuses on analyzing the effects that the development gymnastics program with additional exercises assisted by parents have on muscular asymmetry, morphological characteristics, and the coordination of preschool children. The general aim of the study is to determine the efficiency of the development gymnastics program with additional exercises, assisted by parents, on the muscular disbalances, morphological characteristics and the coordination of preschool children. The sample was formed within a population of preschool children. The sample included 176 children aged between 5 and 7. The sample was divided into three subsamples: the experimental group, the experimental group with additional exercises assisted by parents and a control group from Subotica. Motoric coordination was estimated using the KTK battery of tests (K&ouml;rperkoordinationtest f&uuml;r Kinder&ldquo;) which is a highly reliable, standardized motoric test. The Contemplas (Professional motion analysis software) 3D kinematic analysis in the static regime was used for muscular asymmetry variables while the morphological variables included body height, body weight and body mass index. After the experimental treatment, statistically significant differences were noted in the variables of motoric coordination, in terms of positive effects in 3 out of 6 variables. From the perspective of muscular asymmetry, it is noted that the experimental treatment (although statistically insignificant) caused certain improvements in terms of reducing the level of deviation in variables of the spinal column in the sagittal plane while there was no statistically significant effect of the treatment when observing the whole system of variables in terms of deviation of the spinal column in the frontal plane. The experimental treatment has also had a positive contribution to the morphological space.</p>
Date17 September 2019
CreatorsMilić Zoran
ContributorsMadic Dejan, Cvetković Milan, Obradović Borislav, Popović Boris, Lepeš Josip
PublisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu, Fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja u Novom Sadu, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Sport and Physical Education at Novi Sad
Source SetsUniversity of Novi Sad
Detected LanguageUnknown
TypePhD thesis

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