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Integrating Computer-Based Games in E-Learning: An Examination of Game Features, Goal Orientation, and Self-Efficacy

Electronic learning (e-learning) is an increasingly popular approach used to 1rain. knowledge and skills in work organizations. A 2006 market report estimated that organizations increased the use of e-learning by 8% from 2005 to 2006. Scientific research on how to best design e-learning to maximize learner outcomes is needed. Some attention is being directed at computer-based games due to their perceived motivational properties. By using a computer-based game and a non-game control group, this study examined differences in learning and satisfaction with training, and it also examined individual differences in goal orientation and self-efficacy. None of the hypotheses were supported. Instead, participants in the control group spent significantly more time in training and scored higher on a post-training performance goal orientation measure than participants in the game condition Moreover, when time spent in training was controlled participants in the control group performed significantly better on the post-training performance measure than did participants in the game condition. In addition consistent with research on individual differences, learning goal orientation (but not performance goal orientation) and self-efficacy were positively related to GPA. The results of this study suggest that more attention needs to be paid to the design of games used in training and on understanding how specific game features impact learning, motivation, and satisfaction.
Date01 January 2007
CreatorsWooten, Samuel
Source SetsUniversity of Central Florida
Detected LanguageEnglish
SourceHIM 1990-2015

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