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Gemeentelike aanbidding as reaksie op God (Afrikaans)

AFRIKAANS: Gemeentelike aanbidding beleef huidiglik twee uiterste strome. Aan die een kant is daar 'n ou ortodoksie wat vir baie geen betekenis meer inhou nie. Aan die ander kant is daar die charismatiese beweging met die sogenaamde tekens-en-wonders-beweging aan die spits, wat weer die fokus weg van God af neem en dit op die individu se behoeftes plaas. Die probleem is aangewakker deur die feit dat daar 'n kloof tussen die sistematiese en praktiese teologie gekom het, waarin die sistematiese teologie nie meer vir die praktiese teologie dikteer nie. Nou is dit so dat wat 'n mens in verband met God glo, 'n uitwerking op die praktyk van sy aanbidding sal hê. Daarom moet 'n teologie van aanbidding by God begin sodat aanbidding 'n reaksie op God is. Aanbidding as reaksie op God word geï1lustreer deur die feit dat beide die Ou en Nuwe Testament aanbidding uitdruk as 'n aksie waarin die aanbidder laag voor God buig. Dit druk 'n gesindheid van se1fvemedering uit, waarin die aanbidder sy nietigheid voor God verklaar. Sonder hierdie gesindheid is geen ware aanbidding moontlik nie. AIle ander liggaamshoudings en liturgiese aksies is onderhewig aan 'n gesindheid, waarin die aanbidder laag voor God moet buig. Wanneer 'n mens in 'n teologie van aanbidding by God begin, moet aanbidding 'n reaksie op beide sy transendensie en immanensie wees. Onder hierdie twee wesenskenmerke van God, kan al sy attribute geplaas word. In sy transendensie is God heilig. In sy heiligheid is Hy beide verhewe en sondeloos. Sy heilige transendensie bevat dus beide verhoudings- en morele betrippe. Die gepaste reaksie van die gemeente op God se transendente heiligheid is dié van vrees en ontsag, wat uitloop op sondebelydenis. In sy immanente liefde is God naby aan sy skepping en staan Hy in sy immanensie in verskeie verbonde met sy skepping, in die Ou Testament met Israel en in die Nuwe Testament met sy kerk in Christus. In Christus het God nader as ooit gekom en in sy Seun het Hy onder sy mense kom woning maak en Hom oor die mens kom ontferm. Sy immanensie word nog duideliker in die immanente Heilige Gees. Beide die Vader en die Seun is immanent deur die Gees. Hierdie immanensie word in die erediens gevier en beleef. Die gemeente reageer deur God te loof, omdat Hy sy immanente liefde aan hulle in Christus bewys het, asook in die alledaagse lewe by hulle betrokke is. Met beide God se transendensie en immanensie stewig gevestig in die erediens, beleef die gemeente ‘n ontmoeting met God op sy terme, en nie volgens menslike smaak nie. Die balans wat daar in die erediens bestaan, sal ‘n opvoedkundige uitwerking op lidmate hê sodat hulle God ook in terme van sy immanensie en transendensie in die alledaagse lewe kan dien. Sodoende sal hulle leer om Hom beide life te hê en te vrees. ENGLISH: Church worship is currently experiencing two radical forms: On the one hand there is the old orthodox liturgies that for many hold no meaning anymore. On the other hand there is the charismatic movement with the so-called signs-and-wonders-movement leading it, which takes the focus away from God and places it on the individual and his needs. The problem is made worse by the fact that systematic and practical theology have become separated and that the practical theology is not being dictated anymore by the systematic theology. It is a fact that what one believes about God, will have a definite effect on one's practice in worship. Therefore a theology of worship must begin with God, in order that worship may be a reaction to God. Worship as a reaction to God is being illustrated by the fact that both Old and New Testaments show worship as an action in which the worshiper prostrates himself before God. It shows an attitude of self-humiliation, through which the worshiper acknowledges his own insignificance before God. No worship is possible without this attitude. All other bodily positions and liturgical actions are subject to this attitude in which prostration is at least the heart's intention. Whenever one begins in a theology of worship with God, worship must become a reaction to both God's transcendence and immanence, under which all his attributes can be listed. In his transcendence God is holy. In his holiness He is both exalted and without sin. His holy transcendence is therefore being described both in relational and moral terms. The congregation's proper reaction to God's transcendence IS that of fear and reverence, which results in the confession of sins. In his immanent love God is near his creation. In his immanence he made covenants with creation, in the Old Testament with Israel and in the New Testament with his church in Christ. In Christ God came nearer than ever before and in his Son he came to live among his people and mercifully took pity on them. His immanence is being intensified by the immanent Holy Spirit. Both Father and Son are immanent through the Spirit. This immanence is being celebrated and experienced in church worship. In reaction, the congregation praises God because He has proved his immanent love to them in Christ and He is still involved in the lives of his children. When both God's transcendence and immanence are being acknowledged in the worship service, the congregation can meet with God on his terms, and not according to human taste. A proper balance will have an educational effect on members, so that they will also serve God in terms of his immanence and transcendence in their daily lives. Thus they will learn to both love and fear Him. / Dissertation (MA (Theology))--University of Pretoria, 2001. / Dogmatics and Christian Ethics / unrestricted
Date07 December 2005
CreatorsVan Schalkwyk, Anton
ContributorsWethmar, Conrad Johannes,, Van der Walt, I.H. du P.
PublisherUniversity of Pretoria
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageUnknown
Rights© 2001, University of Pretoria. All rights reserved. The copyright in this work vests in the University of Pretoria. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the University of Pretoria.

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