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Persoonlikheidsprofilering by gholfspelers op verskillende vaardigheidsvlakke Phil. / This study investigated the personality and mood characteristics of golf players at four different levels of competency. The role played by personality factors in sport and sport performance, was actively researched between 1950 and 1980, especially in the U.S.A. and Europe. Since then, research in the field of sport psychology has focused more on aspects like anxiety, motivation, attribution and arousal. A study of the available literature shows that the role of personality factors in sport has not been researched and identified satisfactorily, mostly as a result of methodological problems experienced in earlier studies. There has thus been a move away from this subject before the methodological problems could be solved properly, or the field of study be explored completely. Local research in this area is limited and available studies often display the same methodological inconsistencies as those incurred in the U.S.A. and Europe. Golf is seen as a sport in which psychological factors play a substantial role. Only a few studies that address these aspects in golf were found. However, in none of these the unique nature of golf was taken into account or integrated into the results in a satisfactory manner. Even though the literature confirms the existence of typical personality profiles for motor racers and soccer players, no such profile has been identified for golf players. The value of such a profile extends over a wide front, which includes counselling, career planning, enhanced performance and timely remedial interventions. One hundred and sixty nine golf players at four different levels of competency namely professional, provincial, club champions and ordinary club players were evaluated with the 16 Personality Factor Questionnaire (16 PF) and the Profile of Mood States (POMS). The data was analized statistically with the use of multivariate and univariate measures as well as intercorrelations. Various significant differences were identified between the four groups. A personality and mood profile was identified for each group. The profiles of the professional and the provincial groups differed meaningfully from those of the other two groups and the norms for the normal population. In terms of mood characteristics, both these groups displayed the "iceberg profile" which indicates below average scores on tension, depression, anger, fatigue and confusion and an above average score on vigour. Mood characteristics that feature prominently in top performance was identified from this. The most important personality characteristics identified were emotional stability, tough-mindedness, assertiveness, a practical orientation, self-sufficiency, self-control and a low level of resting tension. In conclusion, recommendations are made and a critique delivered of the study.
Date10 September 2012
CreatorsScholtz, Jonathan Geoffrey
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageEnglish

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