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Ethnocentrism in Greek primary education according to the analytic teaching programme and a selection of school manuals

M.A. / The present dissertation is divided into two parts. The first part consists of the first three chapters, the theoretical content and the second part, which consists of the fourth and fifth chapters, is the research conducted according the conclusions drawn and the proposals. In the first chapter the compiled thesis deals with the reformation of the nation- state notion. This dissertation sought for the roots of the nation-state notion, which rise from the era of Enlightenment and encountered the particular features typical to their existence. The study then moves on to the formation of the Greek nation state. We witnessed its development and evolution from the ancient years until its creation. Its existence is worth being mentioned only after the emancipation from the Turkish occupation, as well as to the special features such as the language, culture and religion, features that were created during the antiquity. Furthermore, national identity was the main subject, whose infrastructure is the existence of “foreigners”. It is widely known that the individuals who belong to a particular group comply with common values and ideals but they reject elements which are considered to be unfamiliar and of a bad influence. As far as the Greek national identity is concerned, what came to light was that the roots stem from the ancient Greek civilization, which represents the modern Greek and the European civilization. National identity’s major features and functional elements such as education, language and church were revealed at the same time. In addition, the scientific interest was directed towards nationalism and ethnocentrism. The special features suitable for the creation of nationalism and the era in which it appeared were examined. Moreover, the causes and factors, which reformed, shaped and supported it were revealed some of which may be ideology, political parties, mass media, educational system, and the way of thinking to name a few. Finally, it was found that Greek nationalism was formed by the fall of Istanbul and was connected with the “Great Idea”. Therefore, the cultivation of the national ethics can be developed into ethnocentrism. This phenomenon can be interpreted in a different manner in relation with the existing political and historical state and the specific period of time. Later on, ethnocentrism’s existence, it’s originality, it’s creation and the consequences it might have had on the development of the student’s identity. It is cultivated properly when the education takes on a “traditional” role promoted to exemplify the particular national features. As a result, on the one hand the ethnocentrism secures the cultural continuation and homogeneity, but on the other hand it functions as a factor against bringing the students in contact with other people and civilizations. As far as it is concerned, the official state plays an important role providing books and educators who are summoned to materialize the aims of education. The second chapter presents economical, political, social and cultural changes which took place during the 20th century not only worldwide but also within the Greek society. These changes were particularly important and resulted in more and more people coming into contact with more than one civilizations and they were summoned to co-exist harmoniously, peacefully and creatively. This goal can be achieved only under the appropriate circumstances. Education should play this significant role in order to cultivate the ethno-cultural identity, the acceptance and the comprehension of “others” demonstrating them not only through warfare but also through culture. A lot conferences such as { the educational action of UNESCO, The Maastricht treaty) were held on this important issue at which was presented proposal (Green Bible and others). The conclusions of which culminated the A.T.P. and school text material, putting aside as much as possible the ethnocentrism other stereo types and negative conceptions towards “foreigners”. Instead they create suitable teaching circumstances for the understanding and tolerance of the ”foreigners” in order to co-exist peacefully. The third chapter presents the aim of the research ground of this project which has to do with the A.T.P., the school written text books and the concepts of the educators containing national centralized elements. It is known that students are encouraged to come in contact with knowledge, attitudes and values according to the educational policy of each government. The significance of both the school manual and A.T.P. as well as school textbooks, implements of the official state, that helped fulfill the aims, along with the concepts of the educator regarding the cultivation or not of ethnic centrism, were demonstrated. Furthermore, the third chapter continues with a summarized research in bibliography. From this summary culminated that the school manual, curriculum and the school text books from primary and elementary school, even though there were some improvements, remained national centralized and they are not relieved from negative comments and reviews about “foreign” people. Commonly, they present other peoples through battle, warfare and not through their culture and civilization. Moreover, problems and issues which concern all of us are not presented in the depth and coverage they should have been presented within the margin of European and worldwide dimensions in education, a fact which is increasingly discussed in our times. As far as the concept of the educators is concerned, what has risen is that those children, who originated from other nationalities, are more open-minded and tolerant to the presence of ‘foreigners’ and the propagation of ethnocentrism elements from education as well as the acceptance of new reality. Finally, the same chapter features the manuals and A.T.P. in which the research materialized and the appropriate method. The fourth chapter presents the research, which was held in the general Analytic Teaching Programme, and that of the subject lessons (Language, History, Geography, Environmental studies, and Religion) as well as the reverent school textbooks. The conclusions and proposals of the whole research procedure were also presented in the above research. It was noted that the general A.T.P., refers to the cultivation of national identity, respect and acceptance of ‘foreigner’ peoples, point that was regarded as remarkably positive. Perhaps due to the fact that the Analytic Teaching Programme has been written recently, it has taken into consideration new standards in world wide and Greek societies and the new role education has to play in this theme. The cultivation of European consciousness is also mentioned, element which could lead to a one new kind of national centralization known as euro centrism. The research in the subject of History grade 6th showed that the national identity is cultivated since social political, economical and religious life of Greece from the period of Turkish rule up until today, but the references of the current Greek state are scant. Therefore, the ‘foreigners’ presented through war and diplomatic relations, which they had with Greece and there are few cultural references to them. All the above culminate in the historical consciousness and judgment of students not being cultivated. As far as the subjects Greek Language grade 5th and grade 6th classes, it is noted that their foremost goal is Greece and its culture. Apart from the Anthology text book, all the references deal with the past and does not present the image of the current Greek state. Also, there is no reference to minorities, residing permanently in Greece. The references to ‘foreigners’ basically stem from passages which refer to wars between Greece against other peoples and passages of foreign literature are missing. It has to be mentioned that the Anthology text book comes in terms with the requirements of the A.T.P. and differs from that of the Language textbooks. Through the subjects of Geography of grade 5th and grade 6th classes students experience their first acquaintance with natural, and human environment in Greece 5th class and in the whole world, ( 5th class ). However, there is no mention in minorities as well as in groups of people who have emigrated permanently in Greece in the recent years. It is noted is that the European Union and its aims, which are presented fully in the textbook of 5th class. Also, in the same textbook cultural exchanges between Greek and other cultures are mentioned, elements which are missing from the corresponding text book in 6th grade which promote superiority and homogeneity in Greek culture. After their comparison, both books pose the issue of their inspection according to new standards. Hence, through both books the necessity of co-operation and supporting and the right of believing in different religions is promoted. The subject of Environmental studies of grade 4th attempts to acquaint the students with the geographical state of Greece, the ecosystem, the tradition and culture. Therefore, the cultural references deal fundamentally with the ancient Greek civilization. In regards to the ‘foreigners’ and E.U the references are briefly mentioned and the aims of the A.T.P are not fulfilled successfully. Finally, concerning the subject of Religion grade 6th through the research study on it, I came to the conclusion that the textbook is centered on Christianity and there are no references to other religions. As a consequence, only Christian consciousness is developed to the students and not the religious one, which is the aim of the A.T.P. This element does not develop a religious thinking and this aim is necessary for the prorogation of religious fanaticism and the acceptance of differentiation. A brief summary of the findings is presented in the fifth chapter, which was mentioned above through the research that was held in respect to Greece and to the ‘foreigners’ using the A.T.P. and the corresponding school manuals. Proposals on the improvement of school text books, the A.T.P., as well as proposals on the teachers {which has been studied through the summary of the research Bibliography) followed. In this way the new social and economical reality was taken into account as it is formed in the present era which imposes the educational liberation from national centralization and its implementation with European and worldwide standards to cultivate peace, the acceptance of others and the harmonious co-existence among peoples all over the world for their own best interest.
Date29 July 2009
CreatorsVlachos, Georgios
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageEnglish

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