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Numerical Study of Coherent Structures within a legacy LES code and development of a new parallel Frame Work for their computation.

The understanding of the physics of the Coherent Structures and their interaction with the remaining fluid motions is of paramount interest in Turbulence Research.
Indeed, recently had been suggested that separating and understanding the the different physical behavior of Coherent Structures and "uncoherent" background might very well be the key to understand and predict Turbulence. Available understanding of Coherent Structures shows that their size is considerably larger than the turbulent macro-scale, making permissible the application of Large Eddy Simulation to their simulation and study, with the advantage to be able to study their behavior at higher Re and more complex geometry than a Direct Numerical Simulation would normally allow. Original purpose of the present work was therefore the validation of the use of Large Eddy Simulation for the study of Coherent Structures in Shear-Layer and the its application to different flow cases to study the effect of the flow topology on the Coherent Structures nature.
However, during the investigation of the presence of Coherent Structures in numerically generated LES flow fields, the aging in house Large Eddy Simulation (LES) code of the Environmental & Applied Fluid Dynamics Department has shown a series of limitations and shortcomings that led to the decision of relegating it to the status of Legacy Code (from now on indicated as VKI LES legacy code and of discontinuing its development. A new natively parallel LES solver has then been developed in the VKI Environmental & Applied Fluid Dynamics Department, where all the shortcomings of the legacy code have been addressed and modern software technologies have been adopted both for the solver and the surrounding infrastructure, delivering a complete framework based exclusively on Free and Open Source Software (FOSS ) to maximize portability and avoid any dependency from commercial products. The new parallel LES solver retains some basic characteristics of the old legacy code to provide continuity with the past (Finite Differences, Staggered Grid arrangement, Multi Domain technique, grid conformity across domains), but improve in almost all the remaining aspects: the flow can now have all the three directions of inhomogeneity, against the only two of the past, the pressure equation can be solved using a three point stencil for improved accuracy, and the viscous terms and convective terms can be computed using the Computer Algebra System Maxima, to derive discretized formulas in an automatic way.
For the convective terms, High Resolution Central Schemes have been adapted to the three-dimensional Staggered Grid Arrangement from a collocated bi-dimensional one, and a system of Master-Slave simulations has been developed to run in parallel a Slave simulation (on 1 Processing Element) for generating the inlet data for the Master simulation (n - 1 Processing Elements). The code can perform Automatic Run-Time Load Balancing, Domain Auto-Partitioning, has embedded documentation (doxygen), has a CVS repository (version managing) for ease of use of new and old developers.
As part of the new Frame Work, a set of Visual Programs have been provided for IBM Open Data eXplorer (OpenDX), a powerful FOSS Flow visualization and analysis tool, aimed as a replacement for the commercial TecplotTM, and a bug tracking mechanism via Bugzilla and cooperative forum resources (phpBB) for developers and users alike. The new M.i.O.m.a. (MiOma) Solver is ready to be used again for Coherent Structures analysis in the near future.
Date22 December 2005
CreatorsGiammanco, Raimondo R
ContributorsDeconinck, Herman, Dick, Erik, Barrera, Francesco Paolo, Benocci, Carlo, Degrez, Gerard, Carati, Daniele, Buchlin, Jean-Marie
PublisherUniversite Libre de Bruxelles
Source SetsBibliothèque interuniversitaire de la Communauté française de Belgique
Detected LanguageEnglish
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