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Model korisničkog interfejsa interaktivnog obrazovnog softvera / User Interface Model of Interactive Educational Sofware

<p>Oblast istraživanja ove disertacije obuhvata interakciju čoveka i računara.<br />Kreirani su: model korisničkog interfejsa, sa smernicama za kvalitetniju<br />realizaciju obrazovnih softvera namenjenih najmlađim korisnicima, model<br />obrazovnog softvera na zakonima FITSA, kurikulum nastavnog predmeta<br />Interakcija čoveka i računara. Očekivano pobolj&scaron;anje obrazovnih efekata<br />nastave prikazano je kroz vrednovanje rezultata istraživanja ostvarenih<br />testiranjem preciznosti prilikom re&scaron;avanja testova znanja kod onih testova koji<br />se prilagođavaju performansama korisnika.</p> / <p>The research area of this thesis includes the interaction of man and<br />computer. Model of the user interface, with guidelines for better<br />implementation of educational software for the youngest users, a model of<br />educational software to the laws Fits, curriculum teaching subject interaction<br />of man and computer were created. Expected improvement of the educational<br />effects of teaching is shown through the evaluation of results achieved when<br />testing the accuracy of solving tests in those tests that adapt to user<br />performance.</p>
Date14 October 2009
CreatorsKaruović Dijana
ContributorsRadosav Dragica, Hotomski Petar, Voskresenski Kosta, Starčević Dušan, Glušac Dragana
PublisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu, Tehnički fakultet Mihajlo Pupin u Zrenjaninu, University of Novi Sad, Mihajlo Pupin Technical Faculty at Zrenjanin
Source SetsUniversity of Novi Sad
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypePhD thesis

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