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The Hippocampus as a Cognitive Map

Table of Contents: Chapter 1 - Remembrance of places past: a history of theories of space / Chapter 2 - Spatial behaviour / Chapter 3 - Anatomy / Chapter 4 - Physiology / Chapter 5 - Introduction to the lesion review / Chapter 6 - Exploration / Chapter 7 - Discrimination and maze learning / Chapter 8 - Aversively motivated behaviour / Chapter 9 - Operants: the limited role of the locale system / Chapter 10 - Reactions to reward change / Chapter 11 - Maintenance behaviours / Chapter 12 - Stimulation studies / Chapter 13 - Long-term memory / Chapter 14 - An extension of the theory to humans / Chapter 15 - The amnesic syndrome
Date January 1978
CreatorsO'Keefe, John, Nadel, Lynn
ContributorsUniversity of Arizona
PublisherOxford: Clarendon Press
Source SetsUniversity of Arizona
Detected LanguageEnglish
Rights"The Hippocampus as a Cognitive Map" by John O'Keefe and Lynn Nadel, was originally published by Oxford University Press in 1978. The authors have regained the copyright from OUP and are now making the full content publicly available. You may copy or reproduce any part of these files for teaching purposes or personal use. The original text and figures should not be altered in any way. Permission should be obtained in writing from one of the authors if all or part of any of the figures or text is to be used in a publication and the source should be acknowledged: John O'Keefe & Lynn Nadel (1978) The Hippocampus as a Cognitive Map, Oxford University Press. You may redistribute the files electronically providing you do not modify them in any way. The files were created using optical character recognition software to scan the original. We have endeavoured to maintain the pagination and paragraph structure identical to the original so that page references and cross-references are maintained. There are however slight differences in the line structure and we have corrected a small number of typographical errors and misprints in the original. We thank Tom Wills and Christian Fisher for their help in scanning the original and proof-reading the files.

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