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Heling van die familie : 'n kritiese ondersoek na pastorale dimensies van die liturgie

Thesis (DTh (Practical Theology and Missiology))-University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die een en twintigste eeu word onder andere gekenmerk deur ‘n snel
veranderende samelewing, wat implikasies inhou op makro gebied (filosofies, tegnologies en teologies) sowel as mikro gebied (daar word veral gefokus op die impak van eersgenoemde veranderinge op die gesin / familie struktuur).
Verandering gaan gepaard met spanning en onsekerheid en stel ons voor die uitdaging om óf te groei óf te stagneer. Verandering en die impak daarvan het ook ‘n effek op ons verstaan van die ekklesiologie. Die kerk (spesifiek die NG Kerk waarvan die navorser deel is) bevind haar tans voor groot uitdagings. Aspekte soos Skrifgesag, Kerkeenheid, morele verval, misdaad, geweld,
regstellende aksie, marginalisering van tradisioneel NG Kerk lidmate, emigrasie,
onsekerheid oor teologies-etiese kwessies ensovoorts bring onsekerheid en gevoelens van magteloosheid by baie lidmate. Verskeie strukture in die kerk probeer om die effek van hierdie veranderinge aan te spreek. Die navorser is
egter van mening dat die invloed van verandering op die psige van die gelowige ook sinvol binne die ruimte van die erediens geakkommodeer kan word. Om dit te kan doen word die kreatiewe spanning in die verhouding tussen erediens en
pastoraat ondersoek. Die navorser is van mening dat beide hierdie velde en hulle snypunte in die erediens oor die potensiaal beskik om die onseker gelowige in ‘n dinamiese ontmoeting met God te begelei. Om hierin te slaag bepleit die
navorser onder andere ‘n herwaardering vir die verhouding tussen erediens en pastoraat, aangesien hierdie verhouding om verskeie redes oor die jare verwater het. Daar word ook klem gelê op spesifieke pastorale elemente in die
Gereformeerde liturgie en die helende effek wat dit het op die psige van die mens. ‘n Duidelike omskrywing van wat teologies met laasgenoemde bedoel word, is veral noodsaaklik aangesien die gevaar bestaan dat die pastorale sorg
bloot net kan vervlak, verflou en verval in die nabootsing van die nuutste psigoterapeutiese teorieë. Die studie wil graag ook aantoon dat die ruimte van die erediens oor ‘n korporatief-helende dimensie beskik waar die pastor / liturg in samewerking met die gemeenskap van gelowiges (famila Dei) as “medeterapeute” kan funksioneer en heling van die familie bewerk. / ENGLISH SUMMARY: The twenty-first century can be characterised as an era of rapid social change.
This has undeniable implications on the macro (philosophical, technological and theological) as well as the micro level (the focus will be on the effects of change on the structure of the nuclear and the extended family). Change entails emotions of uncertainty and stress. In transitional times the challenge is twofold, namely either to adapt, or to stagnate / regress. Change also affects our
ecclesiological understanding. The church (specifically the Dutch Reformed Church of which the researcher is a member) is not impervious to the impact of change. At this moment the Dutch Reformed Church faces immediate challenges
embodied in debates on Scriptural authority, church unity, moral deterioration, crime, violence, affirmative action, the marginalizing of traditionally Dutch Reformed congregants, emigration, the deterioration of the nuclear family, uncertainty on certain theological-ethical issues, et cetera. These challenges
heighten feelings of uncertainty and powerlessness in the hearts of congregants. The researcher is of the opinion that the worship service / liturgy can make a valuable contribution in addressing the effects of these challenges on the psyche of congregants. In order to achieve this we need to explore the creative tension between Worship / Liturgy and Pastoral Care. Both these fields of study and their
point of intersection (a new way of life and a new relationship with the Trinity) have the potential of bringing peace to disillusioned and anxious congregants. The creative tension between Worship / Liturgy and Pastoral Care would further
be highlighted through the healing effect of various pastoral elements identified in the Reformed liturgy, on congregants. A thorough description of a theological understanding of “healing” would also be necessary, in order to avoid pastoral care becoming merely a shallow copy of the latest psychotherapeutical theories.
The study also wishes to show that the worship service creates a space consisting of a corporate healing dimension in which the pastor / liturgist joins fellow congregants (familia Dei) to become “co-counselors” as they play out,
communicate and represent elements of healing the family through the liturgy.
Date12 1900
CreatorsDu Plessis, Johannes Cornelius
ContributorsCilliers, J. H., University of Stellenbosch. Faculty of Theology. Dept. of Practical Theology and Missiology.
PublisherStellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageUnknown
RightsUniversity of Stellenbosch

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