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Attitudes and perceptions of first year students towards interprofessional education in the Faculty of Community and Health Sciences at the University of the Western Cape

ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The setting for this study was the University of the Western Cape, Faculty of
Community and Health Sciences, first year undergraduate students. All students who
participated in the compulsory interprofessional programme were from the following
disciplines: Occupational Therapy; Physiotherapy; Psychology; Social Work; Natural
Medicine; Dietetics; Human Ecology; Sports Sciences and Nursing.
The objectives of this study were to measure the attitudes and perceptions of first
year students who participated in an undergraduate interprofessional programme.
The attitudes and perceptions were further measured in relation to the specific
lecturers involved, the age of the students, their gender, race, background as well
their specific discipline.
This was primarily a quantitative study incorporating two qualitative questions in
which 657 students were issued with a questionnaire designed to determine their
attitudes and perceptions towards interprofessional education. A sample size of 264
students resulted in 95% confidence intervals with a maximum precision of 5%. The
questionnaire was adapted, with permission, from Cameron; Rennie; DiProspero;
Langlois & Wagner (2009). MS Excel was used to capture the data and STATISTICA
version 9 (StatSoft Inc. (2009) STATISTICA (data analysis software system), was used to analyze the data from the questionnaires.
Descriptive statistics was used to describe the main features of the sample of this
study and summary statistics was further used to summarize the findings of this
study in order to communicate the bulk of the information as simple as possible.
Two open-ended questions were included at the end of the questionnaire and this
was used to triangulate the data.
The Kruskal-Wallace test was used to measure the results, whereby a p-value of
<0.05 indicated statistical significance. Of all the factors used to measure the
attitudes and perceptions of students, the following three were significant: Gender;
Race and Discipline. No other factors impact on the attitudes and perceptions of
students towards interprofessional education. Student attitudes and perceptions towards interprofessional education were found to
be very positive. The findings revealed that the most significant factor in the study
was the lack of understanding of various disciplines participating in the programme
and their understanding of the relevance of the teaching approach (interprofessional)
as well as their specific role in the health care team. This clearly illustrated the need
to recommend to the co-ordinating unit of the programme that this be defined more
clearly for the students and specifically the Sports Sciences students. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die studie het plaasgevind by die Universiteit van die Wes-Kaap, in die Fakulteit van Gemeenskap en Gesondheidswetenskappe, met eerste jaar voorgraadse studente wat die verpligte interprofessionele program doen. Studente sluit in die volgende dissiplines: Arbeidsterapie; Fisioterapie, Sielkunde, Maatskaplike Werk, Natuurlike Medisyne, Dieetkunde, Menslike Ekologie, Sport en Verpleegkunde. Die doelwitte van hierdie studie was om die houdings en persepsies van die eerste jaar studente wat deelgeneem het in 'n voorgraadse interprofessionele program te meet. Houdings en persepsies was gemeet met betrekking tot die ouderdom geslag, ras,agtergrond sowel dissipline van spesifieke studente. Daar was ook gekyk of die betrokke dosente ń invloed het op studente se houdings en persepsies teenoor die program. Die studie was hoofsaaklik kwantitatiewe met n kwalitatiewe komponent. Vraelyse was uitgereik aan 657 studente om hul houdings en persepsies teenoor interprofessionele onderwys te bepaal. 'n Steekproefgrootte van 264 studente het in 95% vertrouensintervalle met 'n maksimum akkuraatheid van 5%. Die vraelys is aangepas, met toestemming, van Cameron, Rennie; DiProspero Langlois & Wagner (2009). MS Excel was gebruik om die data op te vang en Statistica weergawe 9 [StatSoft Inc (2009) STATISTICA (data-analise sagteware stelsel),] is gebruik om die data van die vraelyste te analiseer. Beskrywende statistiek is gebruik om te beskryf die belangrikste kenmerke van die steekproef van hierdie studie. Opsommingstatistiek is verder gebruik om op te som die bevindinge van hierdie studie met die doel om die grootste deel van die inligting so eenvoudig as moontlik te kommunikeer. Twee oop vrae is ingesluit aan die einde van die vraelys en dit is gebruik om die data te trianguleer. Die Kruskal-Wallace-toets is gebruik om die resultate, waar 'n p-waarde van <0,05 aangedui word statistiese betekenisvolheid te meet. Van al die faktore wat gebruik was om die houdings en persepsies van studente te meet, was die volgende drie beduidende: geslag, ras en dissipline. Geen ander faktore impakteer op die houdings en persepsies van studente in interprofessionele onderwys. Studente se houdings en persepsies teenoor interprofessionele onderwys was beduidend positief. Die studie het bevind dat daar ń algemene gebrek aan begrip is vir die relevansie van die program. Dit sluit in hoekom die verskillende dissiplines aan die program deelneem as ook wat hulle spesifieke rolle in die gesondheidsorg span is. Die aanbeveling is dus dat die koördinerings eenheid van die program die kursus meer duidelik sal moet definieer om so doende die studente se kennis in terme van relevansie van die interprofessionele program uit te brei met spesifiek verwysing na die Sport studente.
Date12 1900
CreatorsFilies, Gerard C.
ContributorsDe Villiers, M., Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences. Centre for Health Professions Education., Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2012.
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageEnglish
RightsStellenbosch University

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