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Study and improvement of radiation hard monolithic active pixel sensors of charged particle tracking

Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors (MAPS) are good candidates to be used in High Energy Physics (HEP) experiments for charged particle detection. In the HEP applications, MAPS chips are placed very close to the interaction point and are directly exposed to harsh environmental radiation. This thesis focuses on the study and improvement of the MAPS radiation hardness. The main radiation effects and the research progress of MAPS are studied firstly. During the study, the SRAM IP cores built in MAPS are found limiting the radiation hardness of the whole MAPS chips. Consequently, in order to improve the radiation hardness of MAPS, three radiation hard memories are designed and evaluated for the HEP experiments. In order to replace the SRAM IP cores, a radiation hard SRAM is developed on a very limited area. For smaller feature size processes, in which the single event upset (SEU) effects get significant, a radiation hard SRAM with enhanced SEU tolerance is implemented by an error detection and correction algorithm and a bit-interleaving storage. In order to obtain higher radiation tolerance and higher circuitry density, a dual-port memory with an original 2-transistor cell is developed and evaluated for future MAPS chips. Finally, the radiation hardness of the MAPS chips using new available processes is studied, and the future works are prospected.
Date18 December 2012
CreatorsWei, Xiaomin
PublisherUniversité de Strasbourg
Source SetsCCSD theses-EN-ligne, France
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypePhD thesis

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