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Effects of Negative Climate for Diversity on Cognitive Outcomes of Latina/o College Students Attending Selective Institutions| A Comparison by Students' Gender, First-Generation College Status, and Immigrant Status

<p> Latinas/os are the fastest-growing racial minority group in the United States, yet there is a lack of parity between their increased population and their participation rates in higher education. The economic strength and vitality of the nation require a college-educated workforce; therefore, the need to improve educational environments that support increased degree attainment among Latinas/os is imperative. Despite the disproportionately low enrollment of Latina/o college students at selective U.S. higher education institutions, research has suggested that attending these types of institutions uniquely and positively influences students&rsquo; educational and socioeconomic outcomes (Hearn &amp; Rosinger, 2014). Using Astin&rsquo;s (1991) Inputs-Environments-Outcomes (I-E-O) model, this study examined Latina/o college students&rsquo; cognitive development over time, their experiences related to perceived climate for diversity, and the effects of negatively-perceived climates for diversity on their cognitive development based on students&rsquo; gender, first-generation college status, and immigrant status. A quantitative design using the 2014 University of California Undergraduate Experience Survey (UCUES) was employed, of which system-wide data from 4,299 junior and senior level Latino/a college students were used. Inferential and regression analyses were used to examine the effects of perceived negative climate for diversity on students&rsquo; cognitive outcomes. Results indicated that Latina/o students attending selective institutions benefitted greatly in their cognitive skills development, although unique differences were found when students&rsquo; outcomes were examined by their gender, first-generation college status, and immigrant status. Perceived negative climates for diversity varied depending on students&rsquo; gender, first-generation college status, and immigrant status. Examination of the effects of students&rsquo; background characteristics and college experiences on their cognitive outcomes also varied based on their gender, first-generation college status, and immigrant status. In particular, perceived negative climates for diversity were found to have mixed effects on Latina/o college students&rsquo; GPA, yet demonstrated little to no effect on students&rsquo; cognitive skills development.</p><p>
Date23 November 2017
CreatorsFranco, Marla A.
PublisherAzusa Pacific University
Detected LanguageEnglish

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