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Our Province v.11-13

CONTENTS -- OFFICIAL -- Thought for the Month -- (pg 2) -- Our Dead -- (pg 2) -- Chaplains -- (pg 3) -- Certificate of Incorporation of Holy Ghost Fathers of North Carolina, Inc -- (pg 3) -- By-Laws of Holy Ghost Fathers of North Carolina, Inc. -- (pg 4) -- Native Priests in the Missions of the Holy Ghost Fathers -- (pg 5) -- Brothers Professed in U. S. -- (pg 6) -- Circular Letter Number Ten -- (pg 7-12) -- LETTERS -- Rockwell College, Russia, Ohio -- (pg 13) -- Jamaica, Arecibo, Washington -- (pg 14) -- New Hampshire, Tuscaloosa -- (pg 15) -- OUR LEVITES -- Ridgefield, Duquesne -- (pg 15) -- Cornwells -- (pg 16) -- Cornwells, Ferndale -- (pg 31) -- Ridgefield -- (pg 32) -- ARTICLES -- Mission Center's Fall Program -- (pg 16) -- Departure Ceremony -- (pg 17) -- Father Aloysius J. Roth, C.S.Sp. -- (pg 18-21) -- The Congregation of the Holy Ghost and of the Immaculate Heart of Mary -- (pg 21) -- History of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati -- (pg 21) -- Acadia in the Eighteenth Century -- (pg 21-31) -- CONTENTS -- OFFICIAL -- Thought for the Month -- (pg 34) -- Our Dead -- (pg 34) -- Junior Clergy Examinations -- (pg 35) -- Give and Take -- (pg 35) -- Renewal of Vows -- (pg 35) -- Colored Holy Name -- (pg 35) -- America -- (pg 35) -- Death Notices -- (pg 35) -- Examen Neomissionariorum -- (pg 36) -- 1942 Dogma -- (pg 36) -- 1942 Moral -- (pg 36) -- 1942 Scripture -- (pg 36) -- Canon Law -- (pg 37) -- Liturgy -- (pg 37) -- New Chaplain -- (pg 37) -- Middle States Association -- (pg 37) -- Circular Letter Number 11 -- (pg 38-42) -- Victory and Peace -- (pg 42) -- LETTERS -- Jamaica, New York, Oklahoma City -- (pg 43) -- Puerto Rico, Pittsburgh -- (pg 44) -- England, Pittsburgh -- (pg 45) -- OUR LEVITES -- Cornwells, Ridgefield -- (pg 45) -- Duquesne, Ferndale -- (pg 46) -- ARTICLES -- Lest we Forget -- (pg 47) -- Bishop Ritter -- (pg 47) -- Rev. Louis Spannagel -- (pg 48) -- The Congregation of the Holy Ghost -- (pg 48-51) -- Africa and the Atlantic Charter -- (pg 51-53) -- African Problems -- (pg 53-54) -- Apologetics -- (pg 54-56) -- CONTENTS -- OFFICIAL -- Thought for the Month -- (pg 58) -- Our Dead -- (pg 58) -- Appointments and Transfers -- (pg 59) -- LETTERS -- Africa, Washington, Louisiana -- (pg 59) -- New York, Washington -- (pg 60) -- United States Senate, Baltimore, New York -- (pg 61) -- Chicago, Massachusetts, Washington, Minnesota, Louisiana -- (pg 62) -- Africa, Chicago -- (pg 63) -- Puerto Rico, Raleigh, Newark -- (pg 64) -- NEWS -- Muskogee, Okmulgee, Pittsburgh -- (pg 64) -- Hato Ray, Tuscaloosa, Lake Charles, Barceloneta, Hot Springs, Muskogee, Africa, Arecibo, Father McGlade's Silver Jubilee -- (pg 65) -- OUR LEVITES -- Ridgefield, Ferndole -- (pg 66) -- Cornwells -- (pg 67) -- ARTICLES -- Apologetics -- (pg 67-70) -- Confraternity -- (pg 71) -- St. Peter Clover's, Oklahoma City -- (pg 72) – CONTENTS -- OFFICIAL -- Thought for the Month -- (pg 74) -- Our Dead -- (pg 74) -- Federal Income -- (pg 75) -- The Victory Tax -- (pg 75) -- Purchase of Land -- (pg 76) -- Chaplains -- (pg 76) -- First Tonsure -- (pg 76) -- Three Major Orders -- (pg 76) -- Military Ordinariate -- (pg 76-77) -- LETTERS -- Washington, New York -- (pg 77) -- New York, Chicago, Jamaica, Miami, Arusha -- (pg 78) -- San Francisco -- (pg 79) -- Washington, Africa -- (pg 80) -- NEWS -- Hato Rey -- (pg 80) -- Arecibo, Quebec, New York, Muskogee, Washington -- (pg 81) -- OUR LEVITES -- Cornwells -- (pg 81) -- Ferndale, Novitiate -- (pg 82) -- Duquesne -- (pg 83) -- ARTICLES -- St. Peter’s Church -- (pg 83) -- Why We Must Come To You -- (pg 83) -- Blessed Aro the Merciful -- (pg 84) -- Apologetics -- (pg 84-85-86-87) -- CONTENTS -- OFFICIAL -- Thought for the Month -- (pg 90) -- Our Dead -- (pg 90) -- Circular Letter No. 12 -- (pg 91) -- News Lately Received -- (pg 92-93-94) -- Deceased Confreres -- (pg 94) -- LETTERS -- Santa Barbara, Cal. -- (pg 94) -- Miami, Fla. -- (pg 95) -- Opelousas, La. -- (pg 95) -- Jamaica, B.W.I. -- (pg 95) -- New York -- (pg 95) -- Trinidad, B.W.I. -- (pg 96) -- Apostolic Delegate -- (pg 96) -- Washington, D.C. -- (pg 97) -- NEWS -- San Juan, P.R. -- (pg 98) -- Sanford, N.C. -- (pg 98) -- Nyerl, Kenya Colony, I.A. -- (pg 98) -- New Orleans, La. -- (pg 99) -- Hot Springs, Ark. -- (pg 98) -- Milwaukee, Wis. -- (pg 98) -- Catholic Centers -- (pg 98) -- OUR LEVITES -- Duquesne -- (pg 99) -- Ferndale -- (pg 99) -- Ridgefield -- (pg 100) -- Corwells -- (pg 100) -- CONTENTS -- OFFICIAL -- Thought for the Month -- (pg 102) -- Our Dead -- (pg 102) -- Chaplaincies -- (pg 103) -- Deceased Confreres -- (pg 103) -- Military Ordinariats -- (pg 103) -- NEWS -- Washington, Little Rock -- (pg 104) -- LETTERS -- Norwalk, San Juan, Arusha, Mexico, New Orleans, Corvallis, Guadeloupe, Arecibo, Opelousas, New York, Tuscaloosa -- (pg 104-106) -- OUR LEVITES -- Ferndale, Ridgefield, Cornwells, Duquesne -- (pg 106-107) -- ARTICLES -- Brother Daniel Tuerkes -- (pg 107) -- Sermon (Charleston, S. C.) -- (pg 108) -- Apologetics (Part Four) -- (pg 110) -- The Favorite Charity of God -- (pg 112) -- CONTENTS -- OFFICIAL -- Thought for the Month -- (pg 114) -- Our Dead -- (pg 114) -- Vows, Ordinations -- (pg 115) -- Text Books -- (pg 115) -- Military Ordinariate -- (pg 116) -- NEWS -- Washington, Vatican City -- (pg 117) -- LETTERS -- APO (from Chaplains), Washington, Cornwells Heights, Oklahoma City, Millvale, Hartford, Muskogee, Brazzaville, Cleveland -- (pg 117-119) -- OUR LEVITES -- Ridgefield, Ferndale, Duquesne -- (pg 119-120) --ARTICLES -- Lest We Forget -- (pg 120) -- Apologetics, Part Five -- (pg 121) -- CONTENTS -- OFFICIAL -- Thought for the Month -- (pg 126) -- Our Dead -- (pg 126) -- Appointments -- (pg 127) -- Postal Regulations -- (pg 127) -- Petition -- (pg 127) -- NEWS -- Washington, Brooklyn, Port-au-Prince -- (pg 128) -- LETTERS -- Hartford, Fort Smith, Washington, Jamaica, New York, APO (from Chaplains), Tuscaloosa, Cornwells Heights, Philadelphia, Little Rock, Marksville -- (pg 129-130) -- OUR LEVITES -- Cornwells, Duquesne, Ridgefield -- (pg 131) -- ARTICLES -- Very Rev. T. J. McCarty, C.S.Sp. -- (pg 132) -- Rev. A J. L. P Szwarcrok, C.S.Sp. -- (pg 132-133) -- Apologetics (Part 5) -- (pg 134-136) -- CONTENTS -- OFFICIAL -- Thought for the Month -- (pg 138) -- Our Dead -- (pg 138) -- Appointments -- (pg 139) -- Ordinations -- (pg 1389, 141) -- Pentecost Letter -- (pg 140) -- Status Animarum -- (pg 141-143) -- LETTERS -- Arecibo, Jamaica, Chippewa Falls, Chaplains’ Letters, Shreveport, Tanganyika, Lafayette, Isle Brevelle, Oklahoma City, Dayton, Pittsburgh, Angola, Reunion, Marksville, Tuscaloosa, Mobile, Little Rock, Loango, Nigeria -- (pg 144-149) -- OUR LEVITES -- Ferndale Herald, -- (pg 149) -- Kernales from Cornwells -- (pg 149) -- ARTICLES -- Pentecost -- (pg 149-150) -- Very Rev. Joseph Eigenmann -- (pg 150-152) -- Contents -- Appointments -- (pg 154) -- Vows & Profession (Decision of Provincial Council) -- (pg 154) -- Post Office Zone Regulation -- (pg 154) -- Circular Letter Number 13 -- (pg 155) -- Necrology -- (pg 158) -- Detroit Riots -- (pg 159) -- Graduation at Hato Rey -- (pg 159) -- Tonga Tidings -- (pg 160) -- Crisis in Kroonstad – (pg 160) -- Polish Refugees -- (pg 160) -- News from Washington -- (pg 160) -- New School for Tuisa -- (pg 159) -- Duquesne Doings -- (pg 166) -- Our Levites -- (pg 162) -- Letters (Extracts from various communications) -- (pg 163) -- Bro. Marcus -- (pg 166) -- Our Chaplains -- (pg 168) – Contents -- Appointments -- (pg 170) -- Favorable Comment -- (pg 171) -- Our New Missionaries -- (pg 177) -- Brother Novatus—Golden Jubilarian -- (pg 175) -- Harlem Riot -- (pg 172) -- Harlem: Post-Mortem -- (pg 178) -- English Province – (pg 178) -- One Hundred Years in Haiti -- (pg 178) -- Bishop Gay, C.S.Sp -- (pg 178) -- Puerto Rican Earthquake -- (pg 178) -- Letters -- (pg 173) -- News from Washington -- (pg 179) -- Coming C.S.Sp. Publications -- (pg 179) -- Mass for Father General -- (pg 178) -- Contents -- The Church and the Missions -- (pg 182) -- Letters -- (pg 184) -- Our Levits -- (pg 185) -- News from Washington -- (pg 185) -- Father Auguste Gommenginger -- (pg 186) -- Apologetics -- (pg 187) -- The Congregation -- (pg 191) -- Contents -- Official -- (pg 2) -- Letters -- (pg 3) -- War's Challenge to the Catholic Priesthood -- (pg 5) -- Hot Springs Gets New Order of Nuns -- (pg 6) -- Our Levites -- (pg 7) -- Apologetics -- (pg 8) -- Forecast -- (pg 12) -- Father P. J. McCarthy Dies -- (pg 12) -- "To Father Pat" (Verse) 7 -- (pg 12) -- Contents -- Official -- (pg 2) -- The New Collosus (Verse) -- (pg 2) -- Circular Letter No. 14 -- (pg 3) -- "Our Protection is of the Lord" -- (pg 7) -- Mailbag Perspective -- (pg 8) -- Our Levites -- (pg 14) -- Duquesne Doings -- (pg 15) -- News From Washington -- (pg 15) -- Brother Titus Hartmann -- (pg 16) -- The Congregation (Heroic Virtues of Father Libermann) -- (pg 16) -- CONTENTS -- Official -- (pg 18) -- Washington News -- (pg 18) -- Circular Letter No. 15 -- (pg 19) -- Father James Joseph Clarke, C.S.Sp. -- (pg 23) -- Mailbag Perspective --(pg 24) -- CONTENTS -- Official -- (pg 30) -- Statement of Ferndale Mission Unit -- (pg 30) -- “A Thing Eternal” -- (pg 31) -- St. Edward’s, New Iberia -- (pg 32) -- St. Paul’s, Lafayette -- (pg 32) -- Duquesne Doings -- (pg 33) -- Duquesne’s Emergency Fund Drive -- (pg 34) -- Our Levites -- (pg 35) -- The “Dove” is Flying High -- (pg 36) -- Bishop’s Declaration on Justice to Negro -- (pg 36) -- Father Baumgartner, 1877-1943 -- (pg 39) -- Report from Brazzaville -- (pg 40) -- CONTENTS -- Official -- (pg 42) -- Mailbag Perspective -- (pg 43) -- Our Levites -- (pg 46) -- Father P.J. McCarthy -- (pg 47) -- C.S.Sp., Publications -- (pg 48) -- St. Joseph’s, Conway, 1878 -- (pg 49) -- Alone on a Lion Path -- (pg 49) -- News from Washington -- (pg 49) -- Bishop Morris Confirms at Conway -- (pg 50) -- Mission Band Meets -- (pg 50) -- Duquesne Doings -- (pg 50) -- Irish Missionaries Arrive in Africa -- (pg 51) -- Mission Band Schedule, 1943 -- (pg 51) -- Sacra Congregatio Rituum -- (pg 52) -- Diocese of Nova Lisboa, Statistics -- (pg 52) -- Ordination Regulations -- Official -- (pg 52) -- CONTENTS -- (pg 54) -- Mailbag Perspective -- (pg 55) -- Fr. Connors Receives Doctoral Degree -- (pg 57) -- Mission Procurator's Latest Appeal -- (pg 57) -- 1943 Status Animarum -- (pg 58) -- Our Levites -- (pg 60) -- Pentecost Appeal, 1944 -- (pg 61) -- Look God (Poem) -- (pg 62) -- Pentecost Appeal, 1943 -- (pg 63) -- Bishop Gay -- (pg 63) -- Ordination Class, 1944 (Picture) -- (pg 64) -- Chaplains O'Neill and Kilbride (Picture) -- (pg 64) -- Bishop Gourtay (Picture) -- (pg 64) -- CONTENTS -- Official -- (pg 66) -- Circular Letter -- (pg 67) -- The Charity of God -- (pg 69) -- Our Levites -- (pg 72) -- Negro Priest Celebrates First Solemn Mass -- (pg 72) -- On Mount Sinai -- (pg 73) -- Five Mothers -- (pg 73) -- Ordinations at Femdale -- (pg 74) -- Pastor Heads Church and Civic Affairs -- (pg 76) -- Facsimile -- (pg 76) -- CONTENTS -- Official -- (pg 76) -- Circular Letter -- (pg 77) -- Mailbag Perspective -- (pg 80) -- Military Ordinariate -- (pg 84) -- Wings Over America -- (pg 85) -- Postwar Signposts -- (pg 85) -- Statistics (1943) -- (pg 85) -- Africa This Summer -- (pg 86) -- America -- (pg 86) -- CONTENTS -- Official -- (pg 86) -- Circular Letter No. 18 -- (pg 87) -- Necrology for 1943 -- (pg 91) -- Father Xavier Sundhauser -- (pg 92) -- Mailbag Perspective -- (pg 92) -- Modern Africa -- (pg 94) -- Our Levities -- (pg 94) -- Lest We Forget -- (pg 95) -- Survival on Land and Sea -- (pg 95) -- Our Levities -- (pg 96) -- CONTENTS -- Official -- (pg 97) -- Religious Leadership -- (pg 98) -- Father Patrick J. Brennan, C.S.Sp. -- (pg 100) -- Father Thiefels, On Art -- (pg 101) -- Mailbag Perspective -- (pg 102) -- Our Levites – (pg 104) -- News From Washington -- (pg 105) -- Necrology -- (pg 105) -- Death Was Asleep That Night -- (pg 106) -- Brother Jacob Immekus, C.S.Sp. -- (pg 106) -- Class of 1944 (Pictures) -- (pg 107) -- CONTENTS -- Official -- (pg 107) -- Mailbag Perspective -- (pg 108) -- Martinique Disaster of 1902 -- (pg 110) -- Our Levites -- (pg 115) -- Duquesne Doings -- (pg 116) -- CONTENTS -- Official -- (pg 118) -- Circular Letter Number 19 -- (pg 119) -- Mother House -- (pg 121) -- Shipwreck of the "Africa" -- (pg 122) -- Duquesne Doings -- (pg 124) -- Best Sellers Review -- (pg 125) -- Our Levites -- (pg 125) -- Father Noppinger, African Missionary Work -- (pg 126) -- I Shall Not Be Afraid (Poem) -- (pg 127) -- Centenary, St. John's, Tuscaloosa, Ala -- (pg 127) -- Shepherdess (Poem) -- (pg 128) -- Mailbag Perspective -- (pg 129) -- CONTENTS -- Official -- (pg 132) -- Circular Letter No. 5 -- (pg 134) -- Circular Letter No. 6 -- (pg 138) -- Mailbag Perspective -- (pg 139) -- Our Levites -- (pg 142) -- Thanksgiving at St. Mark's -- (pg 143) -- News from Washington -- (pg 143) -- A Study in Black and White -- (pg 144)
Date January 1900
CreatorsCongregation of the Holy Spirit
PublisherCongregation of the Holy Spirit
Source SetsDuquesne University
Detected LanguageEnglish
RightsAll Rights Reserved

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