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The Human factors of hypertext

This item is not the definitive copy. Please use the following citation when referencing this material: Dillon, A. (1990) The human factors of hypertext. International Forum on Information and Documentation, 15(4), 32-38. Abstract: The present paper reviews the human factors issues pertinent to the design and use of
hypertext documents. It is argued that many of the claims for the new medium are based
largely on subjective impressions of its advocates rather than empirical demonstrations of
its advantages. Hypertext applications are presented here as a structured subset of an
information world that the user can access though an interface. Research relevant to all
aspects of reading from screens is reviewed and conclusions for the development of more
usable electronic documents are presented. Postscript:
Many of the arguments expressed in this paper are dealt with in much more detail in the
book Hypertext in Context, by C. McKnight, A. Dillon and J. Richardson. (1991)
published by Cambridge University Press.
Date January 1990
CreatorsDillon, Andrew
Source SetsUniversity of Arizona
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeJournal Article (Paginated)

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