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Concurrent Risks and Developmental Antecedents to Relational and Physical Aggression in Early Childhood

The origins of aggression warrant extensive investigation given its substantial cost to both victims and perpetrators. However, only recently have researchers begun to understand the prevalence and harm associated with relational aggression, which is behaviour intended to damage another person’s feelings, relationships, or social status, such as social exclusion or spreading rumors. Even with this heightened research interest in relational aggression there is a paucity of studies conducted with children prior to age four, the developmental period in which relational aggression begins to emerge.
In this dissertation we ascertain what unique lags in development or blossoming capacities coincide with the emergence of both physical and relational aggression during early childhood. In Study 1, we examined differential predictors (sex, age, prosocial behaviour, internalizing problems, and impulsivity) of teacher-rated aggression style (physically aggressive, relationally aggressive, or combined physically and relationally aggressive) among preschoolers (N = 429; M = 41.29, SD = 8.14) using multinomial logistic regression. Being a boy and being higher on impulsivity were both substantial risk factors for use of physical aggression (alone or combined with relational aggression). In Study 2, we explored longitudinal associations between preschoolers’ (N = 126; Mage = 39.15 months, SD = 6.67) assessed language (receptive and expressive vocabulary), parent-rated working memory, and teacher-rated aggression (physical and relational) across one year using an autoregressive cross-lagged panel model. Longitudinally, physical aggression showed stability and both better working memory and previously higher physical aggression predicted higher relational aggression over one year. There were no longitudinal links between language and aggression when simultaneously accounting for working memory in the model, emphasizing the need to account for working memory in this association in future research. In Study 3, using four, separate multivariate multiple regressions, we examined the linear and interactive effects between negative emotionality and several aspects of self-regulation (inhibitory, emotional [soothability], attentional [attention span], and metacognitive [working memory] control) in the prediction of preschoolers’ (N = 198; M = 33.65 months, SD = 5.02) physical and relational aggression. Poorer inhibitory and metacognitive control were associated with higher physical aggression regardless of trait negative emotionality, highlighting the importance of self-regulation rather than emotional reactivity in models of physical aggression. Poorer inhibitory control was also linked to higher relational aggression. Also, negative emotionality was most strongly linked to relational aggression at higher levels of emotional control or attentional control.
In summary, the results of the present dissertation support a skill-deficit model of preschool physical aggression (alone or in combination with relational aggression) and both a skill-deficit and developmental advancement model for preschool relational aggression.
Date11 May 2018
CreatorsHepditch, Jennifer
ContributorsVaillancourt, Tracy
PublisherUniversité d'Ottawa / University of Ottawa
Source SetsUniversité d’Ottawa
Detected LanguageEnglish

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