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The incidence and mechanism of injuries occurring at a South African National Judo Championship

The aim of the current study was to identify and describe the incidence and mechanism of injuries that occurred to judoka at a South African national tournament. Therefore the objectives of the study were to determine the following: To describe and compare the type and incidence of injuries occurring at a South African national championship in respect of three different age groups as well as gender; To describe and compare the types of mechanisms occurring at a South African national championship in respect of three different age groups as well as gender; To describe and determine the treatment methods used by judoka at a South African national championship. To determine and describe the training methods of judoka and the potential impact on incidence of injuries at the relevant national judo championship. To achieve the aims and objectives set out in the present study, the literature regarding injury incidence and mechanisms causing those injuries were reviewed along with other martial arts, in order for comparisons to be made within judo and other martial arts. To evaluate and describe injury in judo an exploratory-descriptive epidemiological approach was used in order to gather relevant data. The use of detailed questionnaires was used to capture information regarding physical preparation for the tournament along with a screening questionnaire that captured important data relating to injuries prior to competing in the South African national tournament. In order for the main aim of the study to be achieved an injury questionnaire was presented to all injured judoka who partook in the study at the tournament. This questionnaire captured critical information regarding the occurring injury and the mechanism responsible for the injury. Judoka sampled consisted of 141 judoka of which 110 were males and 31 were females. This sample size of judoka consisted of three age groups with each group representing a different age range. This allowed for the observation of more injuries but also allowed one to compare injuries obtained by younger judoka to that of older judoka. For the purposes of this study groups 4 (ages 14 to 16), 5 (ages 17 to 19) and 6 (ages 20 and older) were used. The reason for selecting these three age groups was due to the fact that they would be participating under international regulations with strangulations and armlocks allowed for in a fight. Group 4 consisted of 49 judoka; the smallest group studied was that of group 5 and consisted of 28 judoka with group 6 being the largest sampled group with 64 judoka. Of the 141 sampled judoka 103 injuries were recorded with males obtaining more injuries than that of female judoka. The results from the study were placed into table and graph formats and described via descriptive statistics. In order to explain the variation within groups inferential statistics as well as Cohen‟s d were utilised to determine both statistical and practical significances between the different age groups. When describing statistics via the use of frequency distribution tables, statistical significance was tested via Chi2 tests of independence, Cramér‟s V was utilized to determine practical significance. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was done to determine intra-group differences with the F statistic reported for significant findings as it reports the variance of group means. The present study found that male judoka within their respective age groups competed in judo for a longer duration than that of females, that the older the judoka was the greater the likelihood that the judoka would have competed for a longer duration of time at a provincial level of judo with group 5 and 6 having competed on a provincial level longer than that of group 4 judoka. Over a 12 month period judoka sustained almost four minor injuries and less than one major injury on average. Females on average were found to have sustained more minor injuries over a period of a year than that of males. The results indicate that only 37.9 percent of judoka compete with existing injuries with more males (40.0 percent) participating with an existing injury compared to that of females at 31.5 percent. The time spent training the various judo components was similar across all three age groups with a statistically significant differences (F (1,81) =4.216, p=.043) found between the genders of group 4 males and females with males practicing more ne-waza a week. On average time spent doing gym work was 177.39 minutes a month with males training for a longer duration 192.69 minutes a month than that of females. Group 5 judoka spent the greatest time in a month doing gym training at 201.35 minutes a month. A gender difference was noted in upper body strength training (F (1,81) = 4.12, p =.046). Males favoured upper body strength training compared to that of females. A total of 103 (73.0 percent) of the sample group were injured once or more. Group 4 judoka (age 16 to 17) had the highest injury incidence for incurring a injury at least once at 75.5 percent. The injury incidence for groups 5 (age 18 to 19) and 6 (age 20 + years) for incurring at least one injury was 71.4 percent and 50.0 percent respectively. The results indicate that 72.7 percent of males reported at least one injury compared to 74.2 percent of females. The present study found that the head and neck (42.7 percent) followed by the upper body (34.0 percent) to be the anatomical regions with the highest incidence of injury. The upper body anatomical site most frequently injured as expected was the shoulder joint at 11.7 percent with the knee, the lower body site with the greatest incidence of injury. Cuts (38.8 percent) accounted for the largest proportion of injuries with the most occurring injury to males being that of a cut (45.6 percent) and sprains (37.5 percent) for females. A statistically significant difference was found between the two genders in relation to the types of occurring injuries, with a moderate practical significance noticed (Chi2 (4) = 12.33, p = .015, V = 0.35). The major mechanisms of injury to the judoka was throwing / being thrown (35.5 percent) and impacts / collisions with other judoka (33.9 percent). These mechanisms of injury were also identified as the major mechanisms leading to injury in both genders. A total of 17.7 percent of fights were terminated due to injury with fewer males (14.5 percent) having fights terminated due to a serious injury compared to that of females (29.0 percent). A statistically significant difference was found between the two genders in relation to the termination of fights due to injuries with a small practical significance noticed with (Chi2(1) = 7.93, p = .005, V = 0.19). The most identified treatment at the tournament for judo was that of icing the injured area. Male judoka indicated 36.4 percent of injuries were treated with ice with females treating 36.0 percent of their injuries with ice. Males indicated that the return to the sport after becoming injured was less (0.75 weeks) than that of females (1.71 weeks) and a statistically significant difference was found between the genders and recovering from injury (F (1,81) = 4.22, p = .043, d = 0.41).
Date January 2012
CreatorsDu Preez, Devon
PublisherNelson Mandela Metropolitan University, Faculty of Health Sciences
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeThesis, Masters, MA
Formatxvii, 171 leaves, pdf
RightsNelson Mandela Metropolitan University

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