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Justifying Interventions: (De)Stabilizing Sovereignty? The Cases of Liberia and Burundi/Justifier des interventions: (Dé)stabiliser la souveraineté? Les cas de Liberia et Burundi

The thesis poses the question of how one can stabilize a state through external intervention without destabilizing sovereignty. The study critically examines the justifications for international and regional interventions in the cases of Liberia and Burundi through a social constructivist framework. The main objective of the thesis is to enhance the understanding of how sovereignty is interpreted during non-aggressive interventions, both from a theoretical perspective through analysis of official discourses and from a practical perspective through interviews with external and internal actors in the field. The thesis argues that it may be more fruitful for future studies to question the aim of these interventions, rather than ask how to improve them. The study finds that rather than reinforce the sovereignty, these interventions neutralize states subject to external intervention in the sense that they become dependent on external capacity to maintain their stability, thereby maintaining peace and order in the international arena. The conclusion is that these interventions remain both controversial and paradoxical and the stated aim of reinforcing the state's sovereignty is questionable at best.
Date08 February 2010
CreatorsWilén, Nina
ContributorsBjörkdahl, Annika, Lacroix, Justine, Ambrosetti, David, Wasinski, Christophe,, Remacle, Eric, Delcourt, Barbara
PublisherUniversite Libre de Bruxelles
Source SetsBibliothèque interuniversitaire de la Communauté française de Belgique
Detected LanguageEnglish
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