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Between fragments of touch and skin

Composed for the JACK Quartet during their Spring residency at BU during the week of Febuary 19-23, 2018. Recorded at the BU Concert Hall on Febuary 21, 2018. Composed between September 2016 - February 2018.
duration: approx. 30 min.

ccidentall , r’s finger touches Ch e’s,
their feet, under the table, happen to against each
other. W might be eng by the mean of
these accidents; e might concentrate ph on these
slight zones of contact and d l t in this fragm nt of inert
finger or f , fet i tically, without concern for the re-
sponse (like od——as t etym y of the word t lls
us——the Fe does not reply). But in fact erthe is not
pe e, he is in lov : h creates meaning, al ays and
ev ry here, out of nothing, a it is meaning wh th ll
im: is in crucible of meaning. Every contact, f r
t lover, raises qu st on of n answer: the skin s
asked to reply.

“ Quand mon doigt par mégarde… ”

(A squeeze of the hand——enormous documentation——a
tiny gesture within the palm, a knee which doesn’t move
away, an arm extended, as if quite naturally, along the
back of a sofa and against which the other’s head gradu-
ally comes to rest——this is the paradisiac realm of subtle
and clandestine signs: a kind of festival not of the senses
but of meaning.)

Roland Barthes, A Lover’s Discourse: Fragments
Date30 June 2018
CreatorsSmith, Aaron Michael
ContributorsFineberg, Joshua, Lister, Rodney
Source SetsBoston University
Detected LanguageEnglish

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