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Informační povinnost při poskytování investičních služeb / Information duty arising from providing investment services

Duty to inform the customer arising from providing investment services is one of the most important institutes of consumer protection in the capital market, especially in light of the recent financial crisis. The aim of this thesis is to comprehensively explain and summarize the issue of disclosure duties of securities trader to the customer. Questions that I ask in this context are: 1) whether the current legislation under the Directive on markets in financial instruments (MiFID I), respectively. Act no. 256/2004 Coll. Capital Market Undertakings Act (Capital Market Undertakings Act) is sufficient; and b) what changes will bring a new directive on markets in financial instruments (MiFID II), respectively amendment to Act no. 256/2004 Coll. Capital Market Undertakings Act (amendment Capital Market Undertakings Act )and whether it is a benefit for the capital market or not. In the introduction I introduce the situation on the capital market in Europe, respectively in the Czech Republic, history and present the information duty when providing investment services and content description of each charter. The first chapter is theoretical and I define in it term of general legal term: information duty, providing investment services, bearer of information duty, and the person entitled to the information....
Date January 2017
CreatorsSoural, Aleš
ContributorsKotáb, Petr, Kohajda, Michael
Source SetsCzech ETDs
Detected LanguageEnglish

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