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Some topics in Mathematical Finance: Asian basket option pricing, Optimal investment strategies

This thesis presents the main results of my research in the field of computational finance and portfolios optimization. We focus on pricing Asian basket options and portfolio problems in the presence of inflation with stochastic interest rates.
In Chapter 2, we concentrate upon the derivation of bounds for European-style discrete arithmetic Asian basket options in a Black and Scholes framework.We start from methods used for basket options and Asian options. First, we use the general approach for deriving upper and lower bounds for stop-loss premia of sums of non-independent random variables as in Kaas et al. [Upper and lower bounds for sums of random variables, Insurance Math. Econom. 27 (2000) 151–168] or Dhaene et al. [The concept of comonotonicity in actuarial science and finance: theory, Insurance Math. Econom. 31(1) (2002) 3–33]. We generalize the methods in Deelstra et al. [Pricing of arithmetic basket options by conditioning, Insurance Math. Econom. 34 (2004) 55–57] and Vanmaele et al. [Bounds for the price of discrete sampled arithmetic Asian options, J. Comput. Appl. Math. 185(1) (2006) 51–90]. Afterwards we show how to derive an analytical closed-form expression for a lower bound in the non-comonotonic case. Finally, we derive upper bounds for Asian basket options by applying techniques as in Thompson [Fast narrow bounds on the value of Asian options, Working Paper, University of Cambridge, 1999] and Lord [Partially exact and bounded approximations for arithmetic Asian options, J. Comput. Finance 10 (2) (2006) 1–52]. Numerical results are included and on the basis of our numerical tests, we explain which method we recommend depending on moneyness and time-to-maturity
In Chapter 3, we propose some moment matching pricing methods for European-style discrete arithmetic Asian basket options in a Black & Scholes framework. We generalize the approach of Curran M. (1994) [Valuing Asian and portfolio by conditioning on the geometric mean price”, Management science, 40, 1705-1711] and of Deelstra G., Liinev J. and Vanmaele M. (2004) [Pricing of arithmetic basket options by conditioning”, Insurance: Mathematics & Economics] in several ways. We create a framework that allows for a whole class of conditioning random variables which are normally distributed. We moment match not only with a lognormal random variable but also with a log-extended-skew-normal random variable. We also improve the bounds of Deelstra G., Diallo I. and Vanmaele M. (2008). [Bounds for Asian basket options”, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 218, 215-228]. Numerical results are included and on the basis of our numerical tests, we explain which method we recommend depending on moneyness and
In Chapter 4, we use the stochastic dynamic programming approach in order to extend
Brennan and Xia’s unconstrained optimal portfolio strategies by investigating the case in which interest rates and inflation rates follow affine dynamics which combine the model of Cox et al. (1985) [A Theory of the Term Structure of Interest Rates, Econometrica, 53(2), 385-408] and the model of Vasicek (1977) [An equilibrium characterization of the term structure, Journal of Financial Economics, 5, 177-188]. We first derive the nominal price of a zero coupon bond by using the evolution PDE which can be solved by reducing the problem to the solution of three ordinary differential equations (ODE). To solve the corresponding control problems we apply a verification theorem without the usual Lipschitz assumption given in Korn R. and Kraft H.(2001)[A Stochastic control approach to portfolio problems with stochastic interest rates, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 40(4), 1250-1269] or [45].
Date06 January 2010
CreatorsDiallo, Ibrahima
ContributorsDeelstra Griselda
PublisherUniversite Libre de Bruxelles
Source SetsBibliothèque interuniversitaire de la Communauté française de Belgique
Detected LanguageEnglish
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