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Simulation of turbulent aircraft wake vortex flows and their impact on the signals returned by a coherent Doppler LIDAR system

This thesis concerns the numerical simulation and the remote sensing of aircraft wake vortex flows.
Due to its lift force, an aircraft releases large scale swirling flows (vortices) in its wake.
As these vortices can impact significantly the trajectory of a following aircraft, their study
is of great importance for practical applications concerning safety of air traffic management.
The investigation carried here is twofold: it concerns, on one hand, the physics and the numerical
simulation of aircraft wake vortices and, on the other hand, the technique to detect those vortices
and measure their properties.The numerical simulation of aircraft wake vortices requires high order
and energy conserving codes. Moreover, as aircraft wake vortex flows are turbulent,
subgrid scale (SGS) models are required to perform Large Eddy Simulation (LES) of these flows.
In the first part of this work, the numerical codes used (here spectral and high order finite differences)
are presented and validated. Several SGS models are presented and their ability to perform LES of vortical
flows, also in presence of a ground is assessed. In particular a new “multiscale” model with a natural wall
damping behaviour has been developed and investigated: its performance is very good.
In the second part, two flows relevant to the wake vortex problem are analyzed.
The LES of a wake vortex system in a weakly turbulent atmosphere allowed highlighting the turbulent
equilibrium state of such a flow. LES of wake vortices in ground effect, with and without wind,
were also carried out. These simulations help to better understand the physics of wake vortices.
In the last part, we simulate the remote sensing of aircraft wake vortices using a ground based
LIDAR (Light Detection And Ranging) system.
The aim of this LIDAR is to sense aircraft wake vortices and turbulent winds.
As the LIDAR signals are simulated using realistic parameters and realistic turbulent flows,
this work serves as support in the design of an airport based LIDAR system.
Date07 March 2008
CreatorsBricteux, Laurent
PublisherUniversite catholique de Louvain
Source SetsBibliothèque interuniversitaire de la Communauté française de Belgique
Detected LanguageEnglish
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