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Determinação de indicadores de qualidade para avaliação do processo de gestão de pequenas e médias empresas do setor de construção civil habitacional

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Previous issue date: 1993-09-24T00:00:00Z / The theme was taken trem a previeus analvses of the sector of housíng cíviI construction where was noted an existing gap, the absence of certain parameters of measuring , qualitatives and quantitatives, which in this work were denominated as quality indicators, that would be relevant towards monitoring and performace evaluation of the management process of small and medium enterprises of this lines of activities. In Brazil, the importance of the sector researched is confirmed by the additional value of the housing sector, corresponding to 2,2 % of PIB, and a larger view, considering the industry of civil construction as a whole, representing around 7,3% of the PIB (FIBGE, 1988). Reterring to the question of manual of labour, the black of datas in Brazil, it is well visible its large influence in the brazilian economy, acting as a line of activities doubling the constant personell turn over, especially reterring to the intensive usage of the lower class of manual labour. While in USA and CEE 90% of the enterprises consist of organizations with less than 10 employees, in Brazil where there is a lack of official datas, in the last resort it can be estimated that this percentage could vary between 50 and 70 % taking in the total enterprises, which is an extreme magnitude data. It was exactly the results of those numbers, whithout considering the housing shortage around 10 thousand units and the fact that around 50 thousand people, one third of the population, live in bad conditions (Exame, 1991) and due to this, the strong influence in the choice of this theme. In Brazil, the industry of civil construction can be subdivided into three segments: heavy construction, industrial assembly and housing construction. The sub-sector of housing construction to be studied characterizes by being a line of activities which can be considered backward from the technical point of view of production as from the entrepreneurial management process it from one point of view the housing civil construction can be considered obsolete, this doesn’t mean that it is not suffering transformation or that it doesn´t accept innovations, particularly in the field of modern entrepreneurial management process. The assimilation of this innovation in the housing civil construction line is extremely problematic due to the unknown prevalling in the entrepreneurial environment such as the new techniques being applied to the management process as well as the lack of awareness to the backwardness of the sector, when facing performance standard at the intersectorial level, with the incorporation of other lines of activity demands from the construction enterprises, as a survival factor, a considerable effort to increase the efficiency and above all the entrepreneurial effectiveness. Such incrementation of efficiency and effectiveness is completely linked to the necessity of identifying means to the increase of productivity through the improvement of the quality and to develop the control of productive process of the builders, even though coexists with the actual predominant technological basis. Along with those considerations, it is noted a tendency of introduction to new techniques and sustainance instruments to the entrepreneurial management process, which at the moment is presented as ana important gap to be fulfilled. It is in this context that the quality indicators are inserted towards the control of reaching corporate objectives, especially at the level of missions tulfillment in this type of organization. As contribution which the research may bring, there is confirmation of the possibilities in the entrepreneurial environment in which the research is inserted, clarification of the management concepts, applicable the sector of the enterprises and mainly the fixation of quality indicators whithin the limits suggested by the research. The creation of these indicators in the researched sector can still permit that the enterprise inserted in this field of activities can compare their performance with their competitors identifying if they are improving or falling back in their position from one term to the other. It enables also that the administration of these enterprises collect valuable assistances for their indispensable planning, besides which with the implementation of these types of indicators we will be creating assistances for its eventual systematic divulgation by the organ and group entities. / A escolha do tema ficou circunscrita ao subsetor de construção habitacional, que é caracterizado pela presença de pequenas e médias empresas. A consolidação de grandes empresas neste ramo de atividades tende a ocorrer sobretudo em conjunturas onde através da intervenção estatal são definidos programas habitacionais de grande escala que requerem das empresas participantes de maior volume de capital e o acesso a tecnologias mais sofisticadas. A importância da pequena empresa neste ramo de atividades pode ser notada atraves da experiência dos países da Comunidade Econômica Europeia, que em 1985 de um total de mais de um milhão de empresas de construção, 90% tinham até 10 empregados. Igual situação se verifica nos Estados Unidos da América onde conforme dados de 1965, também 90 % das 875.000 empresas então existentes no país empregavam menos de 10 pessoas (ONU, 1987). De uma maneira geral a importância do tema fica evidente quando se analisa o peso do setor da construção civil na economia nacional, que se situa em torno de 5% do PIB nos países industrializados, enquanto que nos países de industrialização recente, este percentual pode atingir o índice de 7% (PNU, op.cit.). Tal constatação evidencia que a indústria da construção representa o principal item na composição dos investimentos (formação bruta de capital fixo) das contas nacionais de diversos países, apresentando uma participação relativa quase sempre superior a 55% nos países industrializados e 60% nos países de industrialização recente (ONU, op.cit.). No Brasil tal importância se confirma pelo valor adicionado do setor habitacional correspondente a 2,2% do PIB, e numa visão mais abrangente, dentro dos contornos da indústria da construção civil como um todo, representando cerca de 7,3% do PIB (FIBGE, 1988). Quanto a questão da mão-de-obra, em que pese a ausência de dados no Brasil, e bastante visível sua larga influência na economia atuando como um ramo de atividades multiplicador de alocação de pessoal, principalmente a nível de utilização intensiva de mão-de-obra menos qualificada. Enquanto nos EEUU e CEE 90% das empresas constituíam-se de organizações com menos de 10 empregados, no Brasil onde há ausência de dados oficiais a respeito, na pior das hipóteses pode-se estimar que este percentual pode variar entre 50 a 70% do total de empresas, o que não deixa de ser um dado de extrema magnitude. Foram exatamente a expressão destes números, sem considerar o déficit habitacional em torno de 10 milhões de pessoas, um terço da população, moram em condições inadequadas (Exame, 1991), que influenciaram fortemente a escolha do tema da presente proposta de Tese.
Date24 September 1993
CreatorsTachizawa, Elio Takeshy
ContributorsZeitlin, Michael Paul, Spink, Peter, Zurron Ocio, Domingo, Perez, Manoel Amiratti, Escolas::EAESP, Csillag, João Mário
Source SetsIBICT Brazilian ETDs
Detected LanguageEnglish
Typeinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion, info:eu-repo/semantics/doctoralThesis
Sourcereponame:Repositório Institucional do FGV, instname:Fundação Getulio Vargas, instacron:FGV

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