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An Orchestration for Wind Band of Peter Klatzow’s From the Poets: Exploring a systematic approach to orchestration.

Thesis (MMus) -- Stellenbosch University, 2010. / The wind band is a far underused composition medium in South Africa. Partially, this is due to the
stereotypical view towards the ensemble and unfamiliarity with dealing with the heterogeneous
timbral pallet. The author aimed to demonstrate the ensemble’s capabilities through a systematic
orchestration process. The result of this dissertation is an orchestration of a large-scale work, From
the Poets, for wind band.
This creative research resulted in a systematic critical investigation of instrumental idiosyncrasies,
balance, conventions of notation and timbre combinations found in the wind band. Furthermore,
the author scrutinised the benefits and shortcomings of the aforementioned systematic process.
Concluding that, through a methodical process, an orchestrator achieves a thorough understanding
of the original text and can thus translate without fear of making unfavourable musical decisions.
However, as this was a two-year process, the method might not work in the time constraints
presented in real world situations, such as the music industry for instance. The author provides
possible adaptations to the method in order to cope with the above-mentioned time constraints. / Die blaasorkes is ʼn vêr-onderbenutte medium vir komposisie in Suid-Afrika, deels as gevolg van
die stereotipiese siening oor die ensemble en 'n gebrekkige kennis in die hantering van die orkes
se heterogene toonkleur palet. Die skrywer het hom beywer om die ensemble se vermoëns te
demonstreer deur middel van 'n stelselmatige orkestrasieproses. Die resultaat van hierdie skripsie
is 'n orkestrasie van 'n grootskaalse werk, From the Poets, vir blaasorkes.
Hierdie kreatiewe navorsing het gelei tot 'n sistematiese kritiese ondersoek met betrekking tot
instrumentale eienaardighede, balans, konvensies van notasie en toonkleur kombinasies wat ʼn
blaasorkes bied. Verder het die skrywer die voordele en tekortkominge van die bogenoemde
proses ondersoek. Die gevolgtrekking is dat, by wyse van, 'n metodiese proses, 'n orkestrator 'n
deeglike begrip van die oorspronklike teks kan bereik en dus die materiaal vertaal sonder vrees om
ongunstige musikale besluite te maak. Aangesien die navorsing 'n tweejaarlange proses behels
het, glo die skrywer dat hierdie metode moontlik ontoereikend mag wees gegewe die
tydsbeperkinge wat dikwels deur die musiekindustrie opgelê word. Derhalwe bied die skrywer ook
moontlike aanpassings tot sy metode om die bogenoemde tydsbeperkings te akkommodeer.
Date03 1900
CreatorsFeder, Arthur John
ContributorsRoosenschoon, Hans, University of Stellenbosch. Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences. Dept. of Music.
PublisherStellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
LanguageEnglish, en_ZA
Detected LanguageEnglish
Format226 leaves

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