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Quantum-chemical Study Of Geometrical And Electronic Structures Of Aromatic Five-membered Heterocyclic Oligomers In The Ground And Lowest Singlet Excited States

The nature of the ground state and the first (lowest) singlet excited state geometrical conformations and electronic transitions in the aromatic five-membered heterocyclic oligomers &ndash / oligothiophenes (nT), oligofurans (nF), and oligopyrroles (nP)- containing up to six monomer units (total of 18 molecules) were explored using several computational methodologies. Geometry optimizations were carried out at Austin Model 1 (AM1), Restricted Hartree-Fock (RHF/6-31G*), and Density Functional Theory (DFT, B3LYP/6-31G*) levels for the ground-state conformations of these structurally well-defined heterocyclic oligomers. The Configuration Interaction Singles (CIS) method with the 6-31G* basis set was chosen in computation of the optimal geometry of the lowest singlet excited state. Lowest singlet excitation S1&szlig / S0 energies were calculated using the Zerner&rsquo / s Intermediate Neglect of Differential Overlap for Spectroscopy (ZINDO/S), CIS (CIS/6-31G*), and Time-Dependent DFT (TDDFT/6-31G* and TDDFT/6-31+G*) methods. In computation of the emission S1&agrave / S0 energies, we have employed all methods above except ZINDO/S.
In investigation of geometries of the ground and lowest singlet excited state, we compared the bond length alternation (BLA) parameters, Dri in the conjugated backbone of the oligomers. Saturation of the geometrical parameters at the center of oligomers was observed after a certain chain length.
Among all methodologies used in computation of excitation (S1&szlig / S0) and emission (S1&agrave / S0) energies, TDDFT results showed the best agreement with experimental data. Fits of computed and experimental excitation energies to an exponential function using the least squares method enabled us to predict Effective Conjugation Length (ECL) values. We obtained the ECLs of 17 (17), 16 (15), and 14 (13) monomer units for polythiophene (PTh), polyfuran (PFu), and polypyrrole (PPr), which have very good agreement with the results obtained from the fits of experimental data (the values in parentheses).
Date01 September 2004
CreatorsOksuz, Nevin
ContributorsOzkan, Ilker
Source SetsMiddle East Technical Univ.
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeM.S. Thesis
RightsTo liberate the content for public access

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