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Educational Travel and Adolescent Development

Educational travel forms the basis for novel learning experiences that enhance adolescent development by enabling students to make choices about their own survival in an unfamiliar setting. This biological adaptation is driven by stimulation of the midbrain which produces high levels of dopamine, the chemical associated with learning. The elements of educational travel that promote sustained adolescent learning are: clear communication, commitment and action, communal trust and respect, maturity developed through assigned responsibilities and exposure to varied life circumstances, flexibility, and transition back to traditional school environments.
Date15 October 2009
CreatorsSaitow, Ann
ContributorsStephen Greymorning, David Aronofsky, David Erickson, Francine O'Reilly, Shawn Clouse, Ryan Tolleson-Knee
PublisherThe University of Montana
Source SetsUniversity of Montana Missoula
Detected LanguageEnglish
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