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Freireian approach to peacebuilding and development| An in depth case study

<p>Freireian Approach to International Peacebuilding and Development:
An in Depth Case Study
Paulo Freire, in his seminal work, Pedagogy of the Oppressed, counters the antidiological and destructive tendencies of the elite with concepts focused on humanist action.
With a Freireian approach to International Peacebuilding and Development, engagement and dialogue at a grassroots level has the potential to create an environment of empowerment for individuals and communities, ultimately leading to positive change and increased equality. By implemented Freireian concepts and models, practitioners have the opportunity to combat what Freire calls ?false generosity?. The integration of Freireian ideals would not only give a voice to the targeted population or region, but it would also combat the North-South divide mentality that is ingrained in the interactions of stakeholders at all levels. Whether applied to a macro scale, such as a government and its people or a micro scale, like the concept of peace education and the democratic relationship between teachers and students, a Freireian lens allows the struggle toward personhood and liberation to be framed in critical thought, praxeological dialogue, and conscientization. The setting from which creativity, liberty, and positive peace are realized is fed by these principals and helps overcome antidiolagical action intended to snuff out the solidarity of a united group of revolutionaries.
Teachers stand on a unique platform to engage with youth in the developing world through classroom experiences, and praxeological learning opportunities. Teacher training programs based in the United States uphold a unique interaction through development efforts in the education sector worldwide. While some enable an antidiological approach to international interactions, others have encouraged positive and constructive training and implementation to help combat false generosity. Through responsible and sustainable projects, practitioners have the opportunity to stand in solidarity, creating an environment where awareness is raised, change is possible and positive peace can not only develop, but also flourish among the ?radical? dialogue of those fighting for a more equal and less exploitive world.
Through an in depth case study of a Freireian framed teacher training program implemented in Haiti, the practices, attitudes, and outcomes of practitioners and stakeholders will be analyzed and evaluated, ultimately shedding light on the effects of a Freireian approach to development.
Date17 December 2015
CreatorsSchmidt, Sarah
PublisherAmerican University
Detected LanguageEnglish

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