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Role of sales and marketing in the changing world of energy distribution:a case study of local Finnish energy firm

Master’s thesis work was selected together with University of Oulu and author of this thesis, where the goal was to highlight the role and contribution of sales and marketing functions in disruptive energy business context. The healthy relationship of sales and marketing may guarantee a sustainable business where both functions should have unified vision, strategies and objectives to achieve their goal. There is serious consensus for sales and marketing integration as business situation is getting more and more complex. The electricity industry like other industries has been influenced by advent of technology, the rise of Internet, usage of information and communication. To encounter this advanced setup, budgets and priorities are rethought, and sustainability becoming the key factor in shaping up the skills and resources an organization may possess. Due to all these subsequent changes, there is an overall change in business structure for all industries and energy market is no exception. Consequently, some of the key business practices have been highlighted in this work. These business practices reflect not only traditional business structure but, also opens up relatively modern practices that are affecting energy business. Keeping these changing trends in mind, a case study has been analyzed in order to signify the role of sales and marketing units to give its respective firm competitive advantage over others. The thesis work also investigates the level of integration between sales and marketing functions in order to create value to its customers. As the case study has been conducted in Finnish company therefore; it may not provide a generalized global context. There is an attempt to give a theoretical framework which might bring positive theoretical and practical implication of the research work.
Date21 January 2014
CreatorsSherwani, H. (Hassan)
PublisherUniversity of Oulu
Source SetsUniversity of Oulu
Detected LanguageEnglish
Typeinfo:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis, info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
Rightsinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess, © Hassan Sherwani, 2014

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