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Experimental study on the fragmentation of adenine and porphyrin molecules induced by low energy multicharged ion impact

In this work, the Collision Induced Dissociation under Energy Control method was extended to study the fragmentation of gas-phase biomolecules adenine (H5C5N5) and porphyrin FeTPPCl (C44H28N4FeCl). The population distribution for each dissociation channel has been experimentally determined as a function of the excitation energy of the parent molecular ions at a well-determined initial charge state. In collisions between Cl+ and adenine (Ade) at 3keV, the fragmentation pattern of Ade2+ is dominated by the loss of H2CN+ and the successive emission of HCN. The energy distribution of the parent dications confirms the successive emission dynamics. A specific decay channel is observed, i.e., the emission of a charged H2CN+ followed by the emission of HC2N2. In Kr8+-FeTPPCl collisions at 80keV, parent ions FeTPPCl1+,2+,3+ are observed, along with the corresponding decay patterns. It is found that in the first step the dominant low-energy-cost decay channel is the emission of Cl0 independent of the initial charge state of FeTPPClr+ (r=1-3). For the resulted dication FeTPP2+, the dominant fragmentation channel is the neutral evaporation; for the trication however, the dominant fragmentation channel is the asymmetrical fission. In the case of H+ and F+ impact at 3keV, due to the different reaction windows opened in the two collision systems, different fragmentation patterns are observed. Furthermore, nH2 loss processes are observed. Additionally, the production yield of the negative ion emerged in F2+-Ade collision at 30keV is measured to be about 1% using a new experimental approach.
Date27 August 2010
CreatorsLi, Bin
PublisherUniversité Claude Bernard - Lyon I
Source SetsCCSD theses-EN-ligne, France
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypePhD thesis

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