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Humanature : a mixed use healthcare centre in Yeoville, Johannesburg

M.Tech. (Architectural Technology) / A persons' well-being is characterized as health, happiness, prosperity and as being in a good state of existence. The way in which we maintain our body, by eating the correct foods to exercising on a daily basis, is an important part of maintaining our well-being. Medical authorities regard South Africa a shaving one of the healthiest environments and climates in the world. South Africans get to enjoy sport and outdoor activities, fresh fruit and vegetable sand some of the planets cleanest air (Health issues in South Africa 2011: [sp]). This however is not the case for many South Africans living in poor overcrowded conditions with the lack of basic facilities. Within the medical field are large areas of controversy, particularly with HIV/ AIDS treatments between Traditional medicine and Bio-medicine. The dissertation will not focus on the study of one specific ailment and space related to health care. Instead an attempt is made to create a space where a multitude of medical functions can operate and share space in a symbiotic relationship. This would ultimately create a place of well-being and healing, where public health can be re-invent for a broader audience through mixed use facilities, social interaction and nature. The investigation area of the dissertation takes place in Yeoville and the function of the building will examine the notion of a Mixed Use Healthcare Centre. The architecture will look at the human scale and needs whilst Nature will deal with form and function. The Design intervention attempts to dissect the existing healthcare system and inject new and fresh responses to the ailing problems in the industry. There are currently large gaps in the public and private sectors of South Africa as well as the dialog between Traditional medicine and Bio-medical practices (Richter 2003: [sp]). The concept of the intervention is to provide a closed loop Healthcare system where the project becomes self sustaining within the Social conditions, Function of space and the Well-being of people This will be done by investigating the existing typologies of healthcare systems in South Africa and by combining both Traditional Medicine and Bio-Medicine. This could allow a better communication network to establish between the two disciplines and provide more information about heath and well being to the public. The intervention can become a framework for future health care establishments where a multitude of functions can operate under one roof providing affordable treatment and advice to...
Date15 January 2014
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageEnglish
RightsUniversity of Johannesburg

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