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Multiuser communications over frequency selective wired channels and applications to the powerline access network

The low-voltage power distribution network is considered today as a serious
candidate to provide residential customers with a high-speed access to
communication services such as Internet. Outdoor Power-Line Communications
(PLC) systems represent an alternative to the other classical 'last-mile
solutions' such as ADSL, cable modems, or wireless access systems.
We developed an accurate powerline channel simulation tool based on the Multiconductor
Transmission Line theory. This tool is able to predict the end-to-end channel
responses on the basis of the multiconductor cable structure and the network topology.
Then the issue of optimal resource allocation in a multiuser environment was
addressed in the light of the Multiuser Information Theory. Simultaneously active
users are in competition for the limited resources that are the power
(constrained by electro-magnetic compatibility restrictions) and the bandwidth
(in the range of 1 to 10 MHz for outdoor PLC). The concept of multiuser balanced capacity was
introduced to characterize the optimal resource allocation providing the
maximum data rates with fairness constraints among the subscribers.
The optimal PLC system was shown to require the shaping of the signal spectrum
in the transmitters, and successive decoding in the receiver. A generic multiple access scheme based on
Filter Banks (FB) was proposed, which offers the required spectral shaping with limited degrees of freedom.
Classical multiple-access techniques (TDMA, CDMA, OFDMA) can be obtained by selecting the
appropriate FB. The Minimum-Mean-Square-Error Decision-Feedback Joint Detector
was shown to approach the performance of the optimal successive decoding
receiver. Finally, the robustness of the proposed system against channel estimation and
timing synchronization errors was addressed. The problem of multiuser timing
synchronization was introduced, and practical multiuser timing error detectors
were proposed.
Date14 September 2004
CreatorsSartenaer, Thierry
PublisherUniversite catholique de Louvain
Source SetsBibliothèque interuniversitaire de la Communauté française de Belgique
Detected LanguageEnglish
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