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時代、地域與戲曲生產: 清初李玉戲曲研究. / 時代地域與戲曲生產: 清初李玉戲曲研究 / 清初李玉戲曲研究 / Shi dai, di yu yu xi qu sheng chan: Qing chu Li Yu xi qu yan jiu. / Shi dai di yu yu xi qu sheng chan: Qing chu Li Yu xi qu yan jiu / Qing chu Li Yu xi qu yan jiu

本論文為地域文學視野下的李玉研究。李玉(1611? - 1711後),字玄玉,蘇州派、中國戲曲史上之代表作家。上世紀二十年代以來,李玉研究於前人學者的筆耕下已取得豐碩的成績。然而當「現實精神」、「教化指向」與「平民色彩」一再成為研究蘇州派的關鍵詞,地域元素之於作家的影響仍有待爬梳。本論文追溯了「地」於李玉戲曲生產,即意念生成、形諸創作、再現場上的過程中,所飾演之各種角色;亦探討了李玉與當地文化、觀眾間千絲萬縷的互動與反饋。 / 論文共分為七章。第一章梳理了李玉研究的發展脈絡,提出了個人的關注問題與研究視野。論文第二章結合蘇州的科舉文化、家班文化、「市隱」文化,對李玉的生平行事與交遊進行重讀,指出「久居蘇州」可謂重省其創作的重要鑰匙。第三至六章從作家生平考察,轉移至文本細續。第三章結合「一人永占」四劇(《一捧雪》、《人獸關》、《永團圓》、《占花魁》)探討地緣於李玉早期創作的痕跡,以觀照作家日後的發展脈絡。第四章探討李玉代表作《清忠譜》中,身份認同與歷史書寫的問題,重新審視了「蘇州」於劇中所鋪演的著名歷史事件──明天啟六年的「開讀之變」,以及歷史循環發展中所扮演的角色。第五章追蹤了蘇州士人黃向堅萬里尋親復歸蘇州後的事態發展(1653 1661),繼而討論當地民眾的情感力量如何轉化為作家編寫傳奇《萬里圓》的資源。論文第六章具有李玉接受史研究的性質,以《萬里圓.打差》為個案分析,從橫向與縱向角度探討李玉劇作脫離創作的當下後,與戲曲機制、舞台反饋互動的一面。筆者選擇了「政治意識」作為關鍵詞,分析了劇中使用的方言(蘇白)與服色的問題。第七章概括各章重點,並為本課題的後續發展作出展望。 / 本論文透過多個相互關連的個案,勾勒了「蘇州」於李玉戲曲生產所扮演的不盡相同但不容忽視的角色。面對散佈於各劇的蘇州地方掌故、地方時事、蘇白方言、地理景觀、風土人情、地方家族史,筆者一方面視之為作家與地方觀眾互動的表徵,另一方面指出,此乃為作家地域經驗與身份認同的呈現。本文在豐富學界對李玉認識的同時,希望李玉的地域性研究能在蘇州派研究、中國戲曲史研究,以及明清地域文學研究中都展現其價值。 / This thesis concerns the research on Li Yu under the perspectives of regional literary studies. Li Yu (1611? - after 1711), also referred to as Li Xuanyu, is a renowned Suzhou playwright widely recognized in the history of Chinese drama. Since 1920s, researches on Li Yu have yielded significant results. However, as “realism, “didacticism and “folk color have become the core concepts in the interpretations of the works of Suzhou playwrights, study on how regional factors have influenced these dramatists has long been omitted. This thesis tries to trace how “place shaped the production of Li Yu’s plays. In other words, the study investigates the role of “Suzhou in the formation of Li Yu’s idea, the writing of the play, and the representation including performance on stage. This research also sheds light on the connection between Li Yu and local culture, as well as the interaction between the dramatist and his audience. / This thesis consists of seven chapters. The first chapter provides a literature review on the discussion of Li Yu, explains the motivation for this work and outlines the organization of the thesis. The second chapter explicates the biographical background of Li Yu, with an introduction of imperial examinations, domestic troupes and the idea of “urban recluse, so as to illustrate the importance of Li Yu’s stay in Suzhou before re-interpreting his works. The third to the sixth chapters involve close readings of Li Yu’s texts. The third chapter focuses on Li Yu’s early plays, namely, A Handful of Snow [Yipeng xue], The Gate Separating Humans and Beasts [Renshou guan], The Everlasting Union [Yong tuanyuan], Winning the Prize Courtesan [Zhan huakui]). Through analyzing these plays, this chapter portrays how geographical and social forces affected Li Yu’s early dramas and his later works. The fourth chapter examines Li Yu’s prominent drama Registers of the Pure and Loyal [Qingzhong pu] by addressing the problem of identity and historical narratives, especially how “Suzhou was employed by the author in the famous political incident “Kaidu zhi bian, that happened in 1626, and in the cyclic recurrence of historical events. The fifth chapter illustrates the journey of Suzhou literatus Huang Xiangjian from Suzhou to Yunnan to search for his father and his return with him (1653-1661), and discerns how emotional power among local citizens contributed to the composition of Li’s play, Union Across Ten Thousand Miles [Wanli yuan]. The sixth chapter explores the reception of Li Yu’s plays, by studying the performances of Beating the Officer from Union Across Ten Thousand Miles. Since this play was staged in local theatres, how its stagecraft developed and transformed across time and space is traced in this chapter. “Political consciousness is key to understanding the costumes and Suzhou dialect used in these performances. The seventh chapter is a conclusion summarizing the above arguments and providing insights into areas that await future explorations. / Through case studies that are interrelated, this thesis demonstrates how “Suzhou was vital to Li Yu’s literary production. Living in Suzhou, Li assimilated local history, contemporary events, dialect with special idioms, geographical landscapes, folk customs, and family histories, so as to interact with the interests of local audience. On the one hand, this interaction has been revealed in my study of various dramas written by Li Yu; on the other hand, this interaction in my view, represents his self identity and local experience. The aim of this research on Li Yu is not limited to the eminent playwright. It is believed that this thesis can also provide information that contributes to the study of Suzhou playwrights, regional literature in the Ming-Qing era, as well as the history of Chinese drama. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / 陳雅君. / "2012年2月". / "2012 nian 2 yue". / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2012. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 161-172). / Abstract in Chinese and English. / Chen Yajun. / Chapter 第一章 --- 緒論 --- p.1 / Chapter 第一節 --- 研究情況回顧 --- p.4 / Chapter 第二節 --- 研究方法與問題意識 --- p.11 / Chapter 第三節 --- 論文章節安排 --- p.17 / Chapter 第二章 --- 李玉生平、戲曲活動與蘇州的關係 --- p.21 / Chapter 第一節 --- 成長在申家班 --- p.22 / Chapter 第二節 --- 仕與隱 --- p.26 / Chapter 第三節 --- 戲曲創作 --- p.31 / Chapter 第四節 --- 交遊 --- p.34 / Chapter 第三章 --- 晚明蘇州之浮世繪--「一人永占」 --- p.39 / Chapter 第一節 --- 時事劇的地域性:《一捧雪》 --- p.41 / Chapter 第二節 --- 給蘇州人的寓言:《人獸關》 --- p.51 / Chapter 第三節 --- 鬧熱的蘇州社火:《永團圓》 --- p.60 / Chapter 第四節 --- 地域與時代之間:《占花魁》 --- p.65 / Chapter 第四章 --- 吳人觀吳事--《清忠譜》的蘇州史事再現 --- p.72 / Chapter 第一節 --- 《清忠譜》中的晚明蘇州開讀之變 --- p.75 / Chapter 第二節 --- 《清忠譜》中的蘇州史事再現 --- p.79 / Chapter (一) --- 「罵亦禰衡之氣」:周順昌 --- p.81 / Chapter (二) --- 晚明的要離、專諸:五人義 --- p.85 / Chapter (三) --- 「時間錯誤」下的諸生朱祖文 --- p.90 / Chapter (四) --- 開放式場景中的蘇州史事:〈鬧詔〉 --- p.91 / Chapter (五) --- 對蘇州命運之關懷:〈蔭吳〉與〈塗本〉 --- p.94 / Chapter (六) --- 流變中的蘇州史事:〈弔墓〉 --- p.95 / Chapter 第三節 --- 《清忠譜》的迴響 --- p.97 / Chapter 第五章 --- 蘇州孝子尋親記──《萬里圓》的時事書寫 --- p.100 / Chapter 第一節 --- 黃向堅萬里尋親事於蘇州的傳播(1653-1661) --- p.102 / Chapter (一) --- 黃向堅《尋親紀程》、《滇還日記》與「尋親圖冊」 --- p.102 / Chapter (二) --- 李玉《萬里圓》傳奇 --- p.106 / Chapter 第二節 --- 《萬里圓》中的時事再現:家國、忠孝與空間 --- p.107 / Chapter (一) --- 忠孝、家國的交織與深化 --- p.108 / Chapter (二) --- 空間與回憶:蘇州地域經驗的深化 --- p.113 / Chapter (三) --- 亂世中的家族經驗 --- p.117 / Chapter (四) --- 孝的普世性:孝子尋親故事的互涉 --- p.118 / Chapter 第三節 --- 《萬里圓》作為場上之曲的迴響 --- p.120 / Chapter (一) --- 《綴白裘》的〈跌雪〉與三溪 --- p.124 / Chapter (二) --- 晚清舞台上的〈打差〉 --- p.125 / Chapter 第六章 --- 李玉戲曲的再生產--從《萬里圓打差》說起 --- p.127 / Chapter 第一節 --- 《萬里圓.打差》的政治意識 --- p.129 / Chapter 第二節 --- 《綴白裘》之《清忠譜鞭差》與吳梅鈔本《清忠譜.打差》 --- p.138 / Chapter 第三節 --- 王蒸籠於《翡翠園》的回歸 --- p.147 / Chapter 第四章 --- 餘論:朱素臣戲曲的再生產 --- p.153 / Chapter 第七章 --- 結語 --- p.156 / 參考書目
Date January 2012
Contributors陳雅君., Chinese University of Hong Kong Graduate School. Division of Chinese Language and Literature., Chen, Yajun.
Source SetsThe Chinese University of Hong Kong
LanguageChinese, English
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeText, bibliography
Formatelectronic resource, electronic resource, remote, 1 online resource (viii, 172 leaves)
CoverageQing dynasty, 1644-1912
RightsUse of this resource is governed by the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons “Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International” License (

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