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The loneliness of HIV-infected low-income mothers : implications for health workers

Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In a qualitative study, a convenience sampling technique was used to ensure a
study population of eleven HIV-infected low-income women. These participants
were all direct referrals from municipal clinics and the provincial hospital. The
criteria for participation were HIV sero-positivity and being a mother of a child or
children. Semi-structured open-ended individual interviews were conducted,
transcribed and then analysed, using grounded theory. Additional data were
gained by using a standardised psychological measure, the Revised UCLA
Loneliness Scale (RULS). The two main types of loneliness that these women
experienced were loneliness of emotional isolation and loneliness of social
isolation. These terms can be defined as the absence of a close emotional
attachment and lack of support and understanding of intimate others (emotional
isolation) and the absence of an accessible and engaging social network and lack
of social support and acceptance (social isolation). The most significant causes of
loneliness for these women were stigmatisation; fear and/or shame of rejection
and victimisation; fear of losing custody or care of their children; fear of losing
financial and emotional support; and using secrecy and non-disclosure as main
coping strategy for their emotional and physical safety. Experiences of emotional
isolation were also provoked or enhanced by the lack of involvement and support
from their partners and the partners' denial of the illness and its consequences.
Experiences of social isolation were also caused or increased by the general lack of
HIV/AIDS information, education and support services. Significantly, it was found
that for most of the women the psychological effect of loneliness was primarily a
depressed mood as well as using negative coping mechanisms, such as alcohol
abuse and further withdrawal from important others. The psychosocial needs of these women were also significantly similar. Broad guidelines are offered for
health workers in assisting/supporting HIV-infected low-income mothers in
general, based on the core needs of the women in this study; to be listened to
and heard, understanding and acceptance, and social support. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In 'n kwalitatiewe studie is 'n gerieflikheidsteekproeftegniek gebruik om 'n
studiepopulasie van elf MIV-geïnfekteerde lae-inkomste-vroue te verseker. Hierdie
deelnemers was almal direkte verwysings van munisipale klinieke en die
provinsiale hospitaal. Die kriteria vir deelname was MIV-sero-positiwiteit en
moeder wees van 'n kind of kinders. Semigestruktureerde oop individuele
onderhoude is gevoer, getranskribeer en toe ontleed deur gegronde teorie te
gebruik. Bykomende data is verkry met behulp van 'n gestandaardiseerde
psigometriese instrument, die "Revised UCLA Loneliness Scale (RULS)". Die twee
hooftipes eensaamheid wat hierdie vroue ervaar het was eensaamheid van
emosionele isolasie en eensaamheid van sosiale isolasie. Hierdie terme kan
omskryf word as die afwesigheid van 'n nou emosionele band en gebrek aan
ondersteuning en begrip van intieme ander (emosionele isolasie) en die
afwesigheid van 'n toeganklike en inskakelende sosiale netwerk en gebrek aan
sosiale ondersteuning en aanvaarding (sosiale isolasie). Die beduidendste oorsake
van eensaamheid vir hierdie vroue was stigmatisasie; vrees en/of skaamte vir
verwerping en viktimisasie; vrees vir verlies van voogdyskap of sorg van hul
kinders; vrees vir die verlies van finansiële en emosionele ondersteuning; en die
gebruik van geheimhouding en nie-openbaarmaking as belangrikste
hanteringstrategie vir hul emosionele en fisieke veiligheid. Ervarings van
emosionele isolasie is ook uitgelok of versterk deur die gebrek aan betrokkenheid
en ondersteuning van hul lewensmaats en die lewensmaats se ontkenning van die
siekte en sy gevolge. Ervarings van sosiale isolasie is ook veroorsaak of verhoog
deur die algemene gebrek aan inligting, opvoeding en ondersteuningsdienste ten opsigte van MIVNIGS. 'n Betekenisvolle bevinding was dat vir die meeste van die
vroue die psigologiese effek van eensaamheid primêr 'n depressiewe
gemoedstemming was sowel as die gebruik van negatiewe hanteringstrategieë
soos alkoholmisbruik en verdere onttrekking van belangrike ander. Die
psigososiale behoeftes van hierdie vroue was ook beduidend eenders. Breë riglyne
word voorgestel vir gesondheidswerkers wat betref die bystaan/ondersteuning van
MIV-geïnfekteerde lae-inkomste-moeders in die algemeen, gebaseer op die
kernbehoeftes van die vroue in hierdie studie; om na geluister en gehoor te
word, begrip en aanvaarding, en sosiale ondersteuning.
Date12 1900
CreatorsDe Villiers, Elsa Herbst
ContributorsKruger, L. M., Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Dept. of Psychology.
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageUnknown
Format84 p. : ill.
RightsStellenbosch University

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