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The Atchafalaya Basin Proposal for Nomination to the World Heritage Site List

The Atchafalaya Basin in the Southern United States is a cultural, environmental, historical and natural land region of such universal importance, designation as a World Heritage Site is appropriate. This thesis provides a justification for this designation through compliance with cultural and natural criteria detailed in the Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage of 1972. The treaty, also known as the World Heritage Convention (WHC) promotes natural and cultural landscape preservation on an international level. This thesis lists the cultural and natural arguments for nominating the Atchafalaya Basin to the World Heritage Site list.
National, regional and local heritage preservation movements have a strong foundation of support from landscape architects and planners. The environmental science community has an equally dedicated base working on behalf of the natural preservation movement. In recent years, the two studies have commingled their efforts to preserve the great cultural and natural landscapes of the world. The resulting preservation of culture and nature provides protection for the world's most biologically diverse ecosystems and geomorphic phenomena while recognizing man's historic and physical influence upon the land.
Date19 November 2004
CreatorsCoffman, Mitchell W
ContributorsMichael W. Wascom, Charles F. Fryling, Joseph S. Popadic
Source SetsLouisiana State University
Detected LanguageEnglish
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