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Temporal and spatial characteristics of laser-induced plasma on organic materials and quantitative analysis of the contained inorganic elements

This PhD work was devoted to the understanding of the laser-induced plasma on organic materials and theapplication of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) to quantitative analysis of these materials. Itcontributes to deepen our knowledge on the physical mechanisms involved in laser-matter interaction, plasmageneration, evolution and expansion of the plasma into the ambient gas, with emphasis on plasmas induced onorganic targets. It also intends to improve the performance of LIBS for the analysis of organic materials. Thespecificity for organic targets fits the current focus of the international community working on LIBS, toimprove the control of the plasma induced on this kind of material which has a distinguished optical prosperitywith respect to that of metals, better known for laser ablation. It addresses also the growing need to apply theLIBS technique to organic materials for different applications in the environmental, food, or biomedicaldomains. The works in this thesis were therefore presented in this thesis document according to the followingorganization.After the General Introduction which introduces the scientific and technological contexts, Chapter Irecalls the basic theoretical elements necessary to understand the phenomenon of plasma generation by laserablation, and its evolution in the background gas. Ablation of organic material is emphasized. Procedures andtechniques of diagnostics of laser-induced plasma were then presented with a focus on the transient andinhomogeneous nature of the expanding plasma. Chapter II focuses on the generation and the evolution of theplasma induced on the skin of a potato, a typical sample of agricultural product. The characteristics of plasmainduced on a soft and wet organic target, such as a fresh potato, was something unknown when the thesis workstarted. These characteristics provide the necessary basis for the quantitative analysis of the trace andultra-trace metallic elements in these samples. Following this characterization, semi-quantitative analyticalresults were extracted from LIBS spectra corresponding to potato skin. Chapter III is presented in thecontinuity of Chapter II for the application of LIBS to the quantitative analysis of organic materials. Acomparative study on the analytical results with LIBS and ICP-AES for milk powders allows an assessment ofthe performances of quantitative analysis by LIBS for organic materials, and a validation of the CF-LIBSprocedure that we have developed. Different from Chapters II and III where attention was paid to trace metalelements, Chapter IV studies the behavior of the major elements that make up the matrix of organic material,which are 4 known organic elements: H, C, O, N. During the decomposition of organic material by laserablation, these elements can be found in the form of molecular fragments, or recombined into molecularspecies. We then study in this Chapter the evolution of these species as a function of the laser ablationparameters, the laser wavelength in particular. The thesis document ends with a general conclusion andoutlooks.
Date06 July 2012
CreatorsLei, Wenqi
PublisherUniversité Claude Bernard - Lyon I
Source SetsCCSD theses-EN-ligne, France
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypePhD thesis

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