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The role of values and corporate culture in people management

Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The business world has seemingly become hit by, or perhaps it has been more exposed of its
unethical and morally bad decisions and procedures. One just has to follow the businessrelated
issues and one becomes aware of events of corruption, greed, fraud, embezzlement,
theft, nepotism and so forth.
This is not just an occurrence in South Africa, but a global phenomenon. However, as South
Africa approaches its tenth year of democracy, and the move towards the realization of our
President's vision of an African Renaissance, there is an increasing awareness that a
commitment to management by acceptable values is needed to remove negativity around
management processes and practices in South Africa. We have to move to a culture of
management where people are the central aspect around which good management revolves.
As the forerunners of The African Renaissance, we need to engage with the concept of
"Ubuntu", and truly realize that value-management is really that - being people through other
people. We need to accept that we should be people driven, inclusive of every single person to
be able to achieve the goals we set out for our companies.
Emotional intelligence is vital if one bases a style of management on a people directed goals
and orientations. When we look at each other through empathetic eyes this allows for
consideration of others and ultimately allows for positive change and growth in an
To be able to move effectively towards such a management style is not as easy as discarding
a predominantly Eurocentric style and embracing an African one. There is the element of
human beings that plays a vital role. The values of an individual, the norms and beliefs that
that individual holds dear, is pivotal to the structure of organizational culture. It is the stance of
this thesis that each individual is responsible, in one way or another, for the structure and
make up of the organizational culture of which it is a part.
This thesis looks at research in this regard and how the findings could be applied in the South
African corporate world to help facilitate effective transformation. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die besigheidswêreld word oënskynlik gebombardeer - of moontlik word dit net meer
blootgestel aan die onetiese en moreel verkeerde besluite en prosedures.
Dit is slegs nodig om te let op besigheidsaangeleenthede om gevalle van korrupsie, bedrog,
hebsug, diefstal, nepotisme, en so voorts te bespeur.
Bogenoemde gevalle kom nie slegs voor in Suid Afrika nie, maar is 'n universele verskynsel.
Soos Suid Afrika sy tiende jaar van Demokrasie nader en daar 'n beweging is in die rigting van
ons President se visie vir 'n Afrika Renaissance, is daar 'n toenemende bewuswording van die
feit dat toewyding aan bestuur deur (aanneemlike) waardes noodsaaklik is om negatiwiteit
rondom bestuurprosesse en - praktyke in Suid Afrika te verwyder.
Ons moet ons beywer om te beweeg na 'n kultuur van bestuur waar individue die fokuspunt is
te midde van voortreflike bestuurstyle. As die voorlopers van die Afrika Rennaissance moet
ons meer verbind wees tot die konsep van "Ubuntu" en werklik besef dat waarde-bestuur
inderwaarheid mens-gesentreerd behoort te wees.
Ons moet die uitdagings aanvaar om gedissiplineerd op te tree en sorg te dra dat alle mylpale,
wat deur die maatskappy daargestel word bereik word deur die optimale benutting van elke
individu binne die maatskappy.
Emosienele intelligensie is van die uiterste belang as die besigstyl gefundeer is op die
beginsel van mens-gerigte doelwitte en ingesteldhede. Daar moet 'n kultuur gekweek word
van empatie en konsiderasie vir ons medemens, wat uiteindelik positiewe veranderinge en
groei binne die maatskappy sal bevorder.
Om effektief in die rigting van so 'n bestuurstyl te beweeg, is nie bloot 'n geval van wegdoen
met 'n oorwegend Eurosentriese styl en die aagryp van 'n Afrika - styl nie. Die menslike faktor
speel'n beslissende rol. Die waardes van 'n individu, die norme en oortuigings wat vir hom of
haar belangrik is, is van deurslaggewende belang vir die struktuur van organisatoriese kultuur.
Hierdie tesis ondersoek narvorsing in hierdie verband en kyk hoe die bevindinge toegepas kan
word in die Suid Afrikaanse korporatiewe wêreld om effektiewe transformasie te help fasiliteer.
Date03 1900
CreatorsMentor, Marcelle
ContributorsEsterhuyse, W., Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Dept. of Philosophy. Centre for Applied Ethics.
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageUnknown
Format87 pages
RightsStellenbosch University

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