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Лексиколошки и лексикографски статус актуелних позајмљеница у српском језику / Leksikološki i leksikografski status aktuelnih pozajmljenica u srpskom jeziku / Lexicological and lexicographical position of thecurrent loanwords in the Serbian language

<p>U radu se razmatra status aktuelnih pozajmljenica u<br />srpskom jeziku iz perspektive leksikologije i<br />leksikografije. Za potrebe ovog razmatranja prikupljen je<br />korpus od 1000 pozajmljenica ekscerpiranih iz<br />relevantnih &scaron;tampanih medija. Prvi dio rada, nakon<br />osnovnih, uvodnih napomena o predmetu i cilju<br />istraživanja, bavi se teorijskim postavkama koje se ticu<br />pozajmljenica u leksikolo&scaron;koj i leksikografskoj literaturi.<br />U narednom segmentu rada obja&scaron;njava se metodologija<br />primijenjena u radu, te se opisuju izvori za ekscerpciju<br />leksike. Zatim slijedi analiticki dio u kome se analizira<br />ekscerpirana leksika na fonolo&scaron;kom, morfolo&scaron;kom,<br />tvorbenom, leksikolo&scaron;kom, semantickom i pravopisnom<br />nivou. Time se pokazuje adaptiranost pozajmljenica na<br />razlicitim jezickim nivoima, i odnos savremene srpske<br />leksikografije prema ovom znacajnom segmentu aktuelne<br />leksike srpskog jezika. Posebni dijelovi rada izdvojeni su<br />za osvrt na problem vi&scaron;eclanih leksema, i zatim za<br />strukturu rjecnika. Razmatranje se zavr&scaron;ava zakljucnim<br />napomenama, u kojima se daje pregled cjelokupnog rada,<br />i skrece se pažnja na otvorena pitanja. Najobimniji dio<br />rada je rjecnik aktuelnih pozajmljenica u srpskom jeziku.<br />U ovom istraživanju se pokazalo da relevantna<br />leksikolo&scaron;ka i leksikografska literatura, kao ni<br />leksikografska praksa ne obuhvataju u dovoljnoj mjeri<br />vrlo slojevit i kompleksan nanos strane leksike u<br />savremenom srpskom jeziku.</p> / <p>The thesis discusses the position of the current<br />loanwords in the Serbian language from the lexicological<br />and lexicographical point of view. The corpus of 1,000<br />loanwords excerpted from the relevant press has been<br />collected for this study. After some basic and introductory<br />comments on the subject and the goal of the research, the<br />first part of the thesis deals with theoretical statements<br />concerning loanwords in lexicological and<br />lexicographical literature. The following segment of the<br />study explains the methodology applied in practice and<br />describes the sources of the excerpted lexis. The next is<br />the analytical part where the excerpted lexis is analysed<br />on the levels of phonology, morphology, word formation,<br />lexicology, semantics and ortography. It is used to show<br />the adaptibility of loanwords to different linguistic levels<br />and approach of the contemporary Serbian lexicography<br />towards this significant segment of the current lexis in the<br />Serbian language. Some specific parts of the thesis have<br />been selected as the review of the issue of composite<br />lexemes, as well as the structure of the lexicon. The study<br />is ended with the concluding notes where the overview of<br />the complete thesis is given and the attention is drawn to<br />the open questions. The most extensive part is the lexicon<br />of the current loanwords in the Serbian language. This<br />research has shown that relevant lexicological and<br />lexicographical practice do not adequately comprise quite<br />layered and complex accumulation of foreign lexis in the<br />contemporary Serbian language.</p>
Date30 September 2016
CreatorsRakić Karmela
ContributorsNedeljkov LJiljana, Dragićević Rajna, Vujović Dušanka, Ajdžanović Milan
PublisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu, Filozofski fakultet u Novom Sadu, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Philosophy at Novi Sad
Source SetsUniversity of Novi Sad
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypePhD thesis

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