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Profit Oriented Disassembly Line Balancing

In this study, we deal with the profit oriented partial disassembly line balancing problem which seeks a feasible assignment of selected disassembly tasks to stations such that the precedence relations among the tasks are satisfied and the profit is maximized. We consider two versions of this problem. In the profit maximization per cycle problem (PC), we maximize the profit for a single disassembly cycle given the task times and costs, part revenues and demands and station costs. We propose a heuristic solution approach for PC based on the liner programming relaxation of our mixed integer programming formulation. In the profit maximization over the planning horizon problem (PH), the planning horizon is divided into time zones each of which may have a different disassembly rate and a different line balance. We also incorporate other issues such as finite supply of discarded product, subassembly and released part inventories availability, and smoothing of the number of stations across the zones. PH is decomposed into a number of successive per cycle problems, which are solved by a similar heuristic approach. Computational analysis is conducted for both problems and results are reported.
Date01 January 2005
CreatorsAltekin, Fatma Tevhide
ContributorsKandiller, Levent
Source SetsMiddle East Technical Univ.
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypePh.D. Thesis
RightsTo liberate the content for public access

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