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Entrepreneurial change in networks

This thesis studies entrepreneurial model of internationalization process, testing its validity by conducting a case study utilizing the model as a theoretical framework. The model is an adjusted version of the business network internationalization process model, adding theories of effectuation, dynamic capabilities and opportunity identification and development to better describe the entrepreneurial nature of the process.

The phenomenon the model describes is defined in the study as entrepreneurial change. The model contributes to the internationalization research as it brings a new perspective, seeing internationalization as a by-product of entrepreneurial activity, rather than a firm’s primary goal itself.

The research was conducted as a single case study with Polish entrepreneur using interviews as method for data collection. Data was then analyzed and reflected to the theoretical framework. Data analysis revealed that the processes described by the model were evident in the empirical data as well.

Personality traits and market knowledge were primary antecedes for entrepreneurial alertness that enables opportunity identification and development. Especially self efficacy and optimism seemed be important personality traits that helped to act on the perceived opportunity.

Dynamic capabilities acted as competitive advantage in order to penetrate the networks in competitive environment.

Network position improves gradually as mutual trust building between parties is needed and it takes time. Network relationships are multilateral where the resources of the networks are combined to create new opportunities.

Entrepreneurial change process relies heavily on the effectuation logic as the process in underlined with unpredictability. Entrepreneur uses his “means” in form of knowledge, networks and entrepreneurial capabilities to create multiple goals.
Date26 May 2016
CreatorsHako-Rita, H. (Henrik)
PublisherUniversity of Oulu
Source SetsUniversity of Oulu
Detected LanguageEnglish
Typeinfo:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis, info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
Rightsinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess, © Henrik Hako-Rita, 2016

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