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Structural priors for multiobject semi-automatic segmentation of three-dimensional medical images via clustering and graph cut algorithms

We develop a generic Graph Cut-based semiautomatic multiobject image segmentation method principally for use in routine medical applications ranging from tasks involving few objects in 2D images to fairly complex near whole-body 3D image segmentation. The flexible formulation of the method allows its straightforward adaption to a given application.\linebreak In particular, the graph-based vicinity prior model we propose, defined as shortest-path pairwise constraints on the object adjacency graph, can be easily reformulated to account for the spatial relationships between objects in a given problem instance. The segmentation algorithm can be tailored to the runtime requirements of the application and the online storage capacities of the computing platform by an efficient and controllable Voronoi tessellation clustering of the input image which achieves a good balance between cluster compactness and boundary adherence criteria. Qualitative and quantitative comprehensive evaluation and comparison with the standard Potts model confirm that the vicinity prior model brings significant improvements in the correct segmentation of distinct objects of identical intensity, the accurate placement of object boundaries and the robustness of segmentation with respect to clustering resolution. Comparative evaluation of the clustering method with competing ones confirms its benefits in terms of runtime and quality of produced partitions. Importantly, compared to voxel segmentation, the clustering step improves both overall runtime and memory footprint of the segmentation process up to an order of magnitude virtually without compromising the segmentation quality.
Date02 July 2013
CreatorsKéchichian, Razmig
PublisherINSA de Lyon
Source SetsCCSD theses-EN-ligne, France
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypePhD thesis

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