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Muslim principles of marrying Al-kitabiyyah and its practice in Malawi

M.A. / Mankind today lives in a predominantly heterogeneous and metropolitan society. At all stages of life, social, political, spiritual, there is constantly a diffusion of cultures, ideas and beliefs. South Africa until 1994 was the only example of a country where the broader ethnic groups were separated from each other. Besides this country, all other countries are exposed to this amalgamation and inter-action with each other on a daily basis. Although a mixed society augers well for the propagation and easy penetration of Islam within the populace, it also has its drawbacks. Allah says: 0 mankind! We created you from a single (pair)of a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that you may know each other (not that you may despise each other). Verily, the most honoured of you in the sight of Allah is (he who is) the most righteous of you. 1 1 Qur'an 49:13. Upon pondering the deeper meaning of the above verse, Allah has prescribed Taqw& (piety and righteousness) as a means of solving any problem resulting from the interaction of different tribes, races, and nations which could be at times a terribly irreconcilable one. The significant number of Muslims in any given society and especially Malawian Muslim society are ignorant of the Muslim Principles of marrying Al-Kitabiyyah (Woman of the Book). That is why we notice an irretrievable breakdown of many families whose husband happen to be a Muslim and the wife is a Kitabiyyah. This type of marriage has caused, and is still causing many problems to the social life of the Malawian Muslims. Children of these families do not enjoy that status of being under the loving care of both their mothers and fathers because their marriages does not last long. It is from this perspective that "Muslim Principles of marrying Al-Kitabiyyah" was chosen to give right direction for those who wants to marry women of the People of the Book. It deals with one small but significant aspect of interaction-the aspect of inter-marriage of Muslim men with Al-Kitabiyyah.
Date16 August 2012
CreatorsAndiseni, All Yusuf
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageEnglish

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