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Sillicon photonics based on monolithic integration of III-V nanostructures on silicon

This thesis focuses on the heterogeneous growth optimization of III-V nanostructures on Si (001) substrate displaying a miscut toward [110]. The main purpose concerns the integration of efficient light sources on Si substrate for high-speed optical interconnects inter-and intra-chip, as a cornerstone for the development of optoelectronic integrated circuits (OEIC).First, this study focuses on the optimisation of nitrogen incorporation in GaPN on GaP(001) substrate, while reachingthe lattice-matching condition with Si. This study is also interesting for the growth of any GaPN-based dilute nitridecompounds, such as GaAsPN, which are very attractive for long wavelength laser applications and high-efficiency photovoltaic applications on Si substrates. In a second step, we studied the growth of an active layer based on (In,Ga)As quantum dots (QD) on GaP (001) substrate. These QD display a high density and good uniformity in size. Room temperature photoluminescence is also obtained on these QD, which is very promising for the fabrication of integrated optoelectronic sources on a silicon substrate. In the third part, this study focuses on the homoepitaxial growth of Si by UHV/CVD necessary to bury residual contaminants initially present on the Si surface, and to obtain a Si surface suitable for the subsequent heteroepitaxial growth of optimal structural quality GaP layer. This includes the formation of double atomic steps, by step bunching and favors by the substrate miscut, in order to limit the structural defects. Finally, the GaP/Si interface is optimized, while obtaining a flat GaP surface and a minimum defects density. A methodology to quantify the structural defects (anti-phase domains, micro-twins) by X-ray diffraction using Synchrotron and laboratory sources is presented. This study reveals an anisotropic behavior of the micro-twins, linked to the miscut direction of the Si substrate, and a dramatic reduction of the micro-twins density at high growth temperature. The growth of thin GaP layers on Si substrates, with thickness less than the critical one and obtained with a purposely dedicated growth cluster composed of a Si UHV/CVD chamber connected under UHV with a III-V MBE chamber, shows a significant reduction of the structural defects and provides a GaP/Si pseudo-substrate with a flat surface suitable for subsequent growth of efficient light sources.
Date17 September 2013
CreatorsNguyen, Thanh Tra
PublisherINSA de Rennes
Source SetsCCSD theses-EN-ligne, France
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypePhD thesis

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