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HIV-1 resistensgivande genetiska variationer rörande CD4+ T-lymfocyteroch induktion av resistens : En systematisk litteraturstudieom rådande kunskaper och potentiella lösningartill en global kris

Background.HIV-1 is one of mankind’s largestpandemics and is associated with great social stigma. There are effective antiretroviral medications capable of halting disease progress but no definitive cure. However, a few individuals have been shown to be resistant to HIV-1. Recent advances in genetic engineering, namely CRISPR/Cas9,presentopportunities to artificially induce HIV-1 resistance inhumans. Aim.This systematic literature review aimedto identify genetic variations affecting CD4+ T-lymphocytes associatedwith resistance towards HIV-1 establishment,to highlightpotentialcandidatestogenetically engineer HIV-1 resistanthumans. Material and methods.The searchwas done in PubMed with no timerestriction andresulted in 1109 articles. Application of inclusioncriteria (“Human”)narrowed the results down to 956 articles.Exclusion criteria (“Review”) was subsequently applied.The remaining articlesunderwent a relevance analysiswhere therelevance criteria went from less specific in the title analysis to more specific in the full text analysis. After title, abstract, full text and quality analysis, 11 articleswereincluded in this study. Results.In vitro experiments and genetic population studiesshowed thatpolymorphisms CCR5-Δ32, HAVCR1 S/S and ZNRD1 Hap2 were significantly associated withhigher prevalence of variation bearing individuals in high exposure HIV-1 seronegative groups compared to non-bearingindividuals andCCR5-Δ32showedresistance to HIV-1 in cell inoculationsstudies. Conclusions.CCR5-Δ32, HAVCR1 S/S and ZNRD1 Hap2 wereshown to correlate with HIV-1 resistance and are potential candidates to be inducedwith CRISPR/Cas9 with the aim of achieving HIV-1 resistantindividuals.However, their eventual drawbacks needto be identified
Date January 2019
CreatorsMantea, Ricky
PublisherÖrebro universitet, Institutionen för medicinska vetenskaper
Source SetsDiVA Archive at Upsalla University
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeStudent thesis, info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis, text

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