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A study to compare the mortality rates of diabetics and non-diabetics following coronary artery bypass surgery

The purpose of this study was to measure the mortality rates of diabetics and non-diabetics patients following coronary artery bypass surgery. The research hypotheses for this study were that: 1. Diabetes Mellitus is a contributing risk factor in the development of cardio-vascular disease. 2. The risk factors have a significant effect on the mortality rates following surgery. This retrospective descriptive study included the examination of the medical records of 1814 patients undergoing coronary bypass surgery at one of the three local hospitals in Central Florida, during 1988. Data showed those risk ยท factors considered (family history, obesity, hypertension, lipids, smoking an renal disease) to be different in each age group and sex. Renal disease was highly significant (98%) in the male population with smoking, obesity, hypertension, family history and lipids following. Renal disease was significant (95%) in the female population followed by obesity, smoking,family history, lipid and hypertension. Family history was the number two risk factor in all four groups while lipids appeared in one of the top three positions in all groups. Data showed that the number of risk factors presented does not directly relate to the mortality rate. The data showed the highest rate to be with two documented risk factors. The crude death rate for diabetics is 3.9% and for non diabetics is 5.0%. As a health care provider, it is important to be familiar with these risk factors. The importance of education, research, along with early diagnosis and treatment can not be over emphasized. The decreased incidence and the ultimate prevention of the cardio-vascular complication is the responsibility of the health care professional and the consumer.
Date01 January 1990
CreatorsWard, Patricia
PublisherUniversity of Central Florida
Source SetsUniversity of Central Florida
Detected LanguageEnglish
SourceRetrospective Theses and Dissertations

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